Imagine you meet the one direction boys for the first time

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Luke: you were sleeping and you were woken up by yelling and laughing that's how you knew he had the boys over you were in a tank top and shorts you walked down in only that you thought it was only the boys and they've seen you in only that so you walked into the living room not really caring how you looked and saw not only the boys but the one direction boys too!!! You gasped you were speechless and said "oh my gosh someone pinch me I must be dreaming oh my gosh I'm dead I swear I'm dead this can't be real life like wtf." Harry saw you first and smiled and said "you must be yn right?" When he said that your heart skipped a beat You said "yeah that's me." He hugged you and you didn't want to let go you didn't let go until someone cleared their throat you quickly pulled away and saw luke giving you a glare you said "what all I was doing was hugging him nothing else it wasn't like I was making out with him or something."He said "mm yeah but I wouldn't put it past you I know what you're thinking I've seen your Twitter I've seen everything you love him to death he's your everything."You went pale and said "you know I love you too then to death and your my everything too." He said "more than him?" You said "nice try but think about it I chose you over him well actually you got to me before he did." He said "Excatly so your mine now." Harry said "he has a point love." You said "yeah I know I love all you boys equally ok. But of course I choose luke over all of you." He smiled and said "nice save."

Then you hugged the other boys for as long as you hugged harry and then you guys just hung out the rest of the day and luke held you close to him not wanting anyone to take you away from him.

Calum: you were heading to the beach with calum and the boys little did you know they also invited the one direction boys when you walked out to head to the car you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw the one direction boys!!! You couldn't breath you started heavily breathing then Liam said "are you ok love?" You said "I don't know I never thought this would happen now it is and I don't know if I'm ok I'm ok." You don't know how you got all of that out You were still heavily breathing calum came over to you and hugged you and said "just breath love breath in and out in and out." You did that and calmed your self down and then harry got you a water then the one direction boys introduced them selfs you said "nice to meet you boys I'm yn I'm so sorry you had to see me like that I have no idea what came over me." Louis said "it's fine love as long as you're ok now that's all that matters and we've seen a lot worse trust me once a girl passed out right in front of me." You giggled and blushed and said "that was actually my friend she didn't drink anything all day and then when she saw you she couldn't help but pass out." He said "oh is she ok now love?" You said "yeah she's fine now."

Then you guys got in the car and headed to the beach you guys had a blast it was so much fun and they loved you.

Ashton: you were home alone jamming out to one direction. Right now history was on and you were blasting it and didn't hear Ashton and the boys plus the one direction boys they were watching you the whole time when you spun around you saw them and screamed and fell to the ground the boys laughed you didn't get up for a while Ashton asked "babe you alright there?"You shook your head he walked over to you and said "what's wrong?" You said "you have to warn me when the one direction boys are coming you legit almost killed me ugh I hate you but I love you. Ugh why do these boys do this to me all the time you boys do the same ugh all of you like ugh."Ashton rolled his eyes and said "oh stop being over dramatic darling." You rolled your eyes and said "their my idols my role models of course I'm going to act like this how else would I act." You gave them all hugs and said "I'm yn." They said "nice to meet you and we're guessing you know who we are?" Looking at the one direction poster hung in yours and Ashton's room you blush toally forgetting about thoese and said "yeah."
Then you guys just hungout and chatted the rest of the day they loved you and you loved them obviously.

Michael: you were jamming out to music while working out in the livingroom kiwi came on and you were going hard when the boys and one direction boys walked in and you were shaking your butt and doing squats when they walked in you screamed once you saw them and quickly turned off your music Niall said "looks like she's a fan of yours h." Harry chuckled and said "nice moves you got there." You blushed and said "thanks and I love all you boys music it's amazing I'm so proud of you boys thank you for everything you've done and I have so much more to tell you boys but I'll save that for later but thank you boys for everything that you've taught me." They smile and said "no problem ." You hugged them and said "I'm yn btw." Niall said "well it looks like you already know who we are." You giggled and said "yeah." He turned to Michael and said "you have a keeper here I love her." You smiled and so did Michael they loved you and you guys became amazing friends you loved them and they loved you you were so happy.

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