Ashton imagine you meet the boys and 1D Boys for the first time

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You didn't know how to feel about this today the boys plus the 1D boys were coming over to yours and Ashton's apartment  you were meeting them for the first time today or at less the 5SOS boys you've met the 1D boys before plenty of times but Ashton didn't know that which you were fine with,you were cleaning the apartment like there's no tomorrow Ashton said "babe you didn't have to clean for them they know how messy I can be they don't care." You said "yeah but I don't want them to see it plus it's keeping me busy but now I gotta get dress and showered." You ran upstairs and showered and got dressed nicely and then blow dried your hair and then walked downstairs to be greeted with 3 other people you gasped and said "did they come while I was in the shower?" Ashton said "yes they did boys this is yn." You said "hi nice to meet you boys I love you boys I'll go make some food for you guys." They each hugged you and said "nice to meet you." And then you ran off to the kitchen to make food Ashton walked in and said "hey are you ok?" You said "yeah why wouldn't I be." He said "you seem panicked." You said "I just want to make a good impression on them that's all you know what I mean." Ashton said "they love you already I can tell." You said "ok good I'm still making food for you guys because I know you guys are hungry." He chuckled and walked into the other room once you were done you sat next to Ashton and just talked to them about everything then there was a knock at the door you gasped and hid behind the couch the boys were so confused little did they know harry was your cousin and he didn't know you were dating Ashton that's why you were flipping out the 1D boys walked in and said "hey mates." The boys said "hey dudes." Ashton said "where did my jumpy girlfriend go?"luke calum and Michael said "behind the couch." Ashton looked and said "she's not there."Niall said "did she make all this lovely food?" He said "yeah I just lost her now I'll go find her." You we're hiding in the closet in the living room Ashton came back down and said "this is really strange she just disappeared." Liam said "were was she last and do you think she went to the store?" Ashton said "on the couch with the boys then she gasped and left and I don't think so." Harry said "she couldn't have went far then." You slowly opened the closet door and snuck out and hid behind the couch you really didn't want any of the 1D boys to catch you they would ask you so many questions and probably get mad because you didn't tell them you were dating one of their best friends. You let out the breath you were holding when someone aka calum said "found her she's behind the couch." You groaned and said "I was hiding." He said "I know I don't know why you were hiding thought because their amazing guys and they'll love you." You said " I have reasons to hide and no shit I know that already." Ashton said "love what are you doing behind the couch?"you were still behind the couch and You said "hiding from the 1D boys." Ashton frowned his eyebrows and said "why are you hiding from the 1D boys?" You never told him Harry was your cousin but today was the day the truth comes out you sighed and slowly stood up from behind the couch slowly and Harry said "yn what are you doing here?" You said "I was hanging out with my friend Ashton." Ashton said "I'm just a friend now?" Looking hurt Niall said "no I see what's going on she doesn't want us to know she's dating Ashton cause she thinks you're going to flip out on her." Harry looked at Ashton and said "is that true are you dating my cousin?" Ashton said "your cousin's yn when were you going to tell me you were a Styles?"they both looked at you and you said "um my aunt is calling me I gotta run talk to you boys later." You quickly left but ran into Louis he said "you aren't going any where missy we would know if your aunt was calling." You knew you were done for you sighed and said "yes I'm dating Ashton and yes Harry's my cousin and yes I do live with Ashton I didn't tell you guys because I knew you guys would flip on me." Harry said "love we approve just no more keeping secrets from us ok?" You said "ok and I'm sorry ash for not telling you." He said "it's fine love but no more secrets promise?" You said "yeah promise." Then you guys just hung out your happy that all went well.

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