BSM You're adopted and meet the boys for the first time

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Luke:(age:12): all you're life you've been in and out of orphanage after orphans you never thought anyone would want you but when the Hemmings adopted you, you knew they were the one you were a huge fan of 5 Seconds Of Summer luke was taking you to meet them today you couldn't help but panic because you didn't tell Luke this wanting to wait to tell Ashton first cause he's the one that saved you yes a lot of people say that but he legit saved you one day  when you were sent back to the orphanage you decided to cut your whole body and take your own life that day but thank gosh someone found you you lost a lot of blood that day but survived to tell the tale you were on your 5sos fan account and saw that Ashton draws butterflies on fan's wrist that self harms and you promised yourself not to do it again for him. You guys got to Ashton's house you were so nervous you never thought this day would come you guys just walked in and you froze as Luke said hi to the others then he said "guys this is yn yn this is the boys." They said hi and hugged you and you hugged Ashton the longest cause by this point you were crying he said "hey what's wrong?" And sat down with you on the couch while you were still in his arms not letting them see your face you said "I'm just so happy I got to meet my life savers you guys literally saved my life and I'll show you guys why I say that." You show them your wrist and legs and stomach and you said "Because Of you Guys I stopped and I've been clean for a year." They gave you a group hug and said "we're proud of you." You smiled and then you guys hung out the rest of the day you were so happy your life turned out this way.

Ashton:(age:13): you were sleeping you woke up to boys yelling downstairs you walked downstairs and said "holy shit 5sos is in my home." They chuckled and Calum said "did you not know Ashton was in the band?" You rolled your eyes and said "I knew he was in the band I'm a fangirl plus his adopted sister now I'm yn nice to meet you guys." Then they introduced their self then you guys talked the rest of the day and hung out they loved you and loved them of course you were so happy to have a forever family and so happy that Ashton family choose you of all people to be in it you loved it and you loved them.

Calum:(age:14): you got back from the mall with Mali koa and gasped when you saw the boys there you said "oh my gosh ahh I can't believe you guys are here huge fan I'm yn by the way calum's adopted sister." They said "nice to meet you we heard a lot of good things about you." You smiled and said "I bet Calum loves me." He said "I do." Then you guys hung out the rest of the day and just talked and watch movies and are junk food they loved you and you loved them they took you in like a sister you were very grateful for the hoods for giving you s better life then you had.

Michael:(age:15): you were actually friends with crystal who was his fiancé and when his family adopted you they didn't know that you were family friends with crystal, you and crystal walked into the house and the boys were there you dropped your bags and ran to them and hugged them and said "I'm so thrilled to finally meet you boys I love you guys." They said "we're happy to meet you too we heard all good things from these two." You smiled and said "I'm so thankful for the Clifford's I seriously don't know where I would be with out them." Michael smiled at you and hugged you Then you guys decided to just talk and hang the rest of the day you guys loved eachother and got along right away you were so happy that your life turned out this way.

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