BSM you have the stomach bug

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Luke:(age:12): you were on tour with your brother and you were not feeling well at all  today you were puking your guts out at the moment and Luke was right by your side you cried into his chest once you were done and he picked you up and carried you to bed and then put a blanket on you and layed with you until you fell asleep then he got you ginger ale and crackers you woke up and took small bites hoping to hold all this down but your body said differently as Luke was with you through it all which you were thankful for.

Calum:(age:13):you were in school when it happened you wouldn't come out of the bathroom the teachers had to call Mali she walked in and got you and you were crying not happy that this was happening to you she gave you a side hug you said "I want Calum." She said "He's home you'll see him when we get home." You nodded you Guys got home and he was there with the boys you ran over to him and he hugged you as you cried into him he said "shh you're going to be ok."then he stayed with you until you were 100% better he took care of you the whole time you wouldn't leave his side and neither would he you fell asleep on him and he got you everything you needed.

Michael:(age:14): you were in your bathroom and Michael came in and held your hair then you cried into him you hated being sick he got you everything that you needed and he stayed with you for the whole thing you fell asleep on him he was with you through it all he got you everything that you needed and he took care of the whole time he was the best big brother that you could ever ask for.

Ashton:(age:15): you came home from your friends house and ran to the bathroom and puked in the toliet and Ashton was there and said "did you drink there?" You said "no I think I have to stomach bug I wasn't feeling well all night I should have came home early but I didn't want to disappoint my friends." He held your hair and said "they would have understood." You said "I know." Then he got you everything that you needed and then you fell asleep in his bed he didn't leave your side the whole time he helped you through the whole thing and same with the other boys they were there for you too you were so thankful for them.

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