BSM Michael his girlfriend doesn't like you

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You were walking back with your friends House to your house the boys and crystal were over you liked her but she didn't like you she was jealous of you even thought you were his sister but she didn't think you were she thought he was cheating on her with you to you that's just wrong to her it's true the reason she thought that is because you looked nothing like him cause you were adopted but she didn't know that. You walked in and said "hi boys hi crystal." They said "hi yn."

Then you went up to your room and started your homework you did your homework and then went to hangout with them. You walked downstairs and ran into crystal you said "oh I'm so sorry." She said "watch were your going bitch?" You said "ok I will bitch." She rolled her eyes and went to the bathroom you walked into the living room and asked the boys "what's the real reason why crystal doesn't like me?" Luke said "she thinks you take Michael away from her." You said "that's the toal opposite she takes him away from me she's always with him I never get to see him ever." Crystal walked back in and said "no I don't you do you always want him and you are always with him 24/7." You said "because he's my brother I don't get to see him that much and you're always with him and you get to see him 24/7." She said "well he's my boyfriend and I don't get to see him that much either so I guess we both lose at this one." You said "he spends more time with you then he does with me he's always with you more then me." Michael walked in and said "that's true so you have no reason to hate her all she's being is nice to you and she wants to be your friend so please give her a chance." Crystal said "you never sleepover because you always want to be with her." He said "I sleepover I just didn't that one night because yn needed me and a ride home because her asshole of a boyfriend broke up with her that night. Can you at less try and be nice to her." She said "I'll try I guess it doesn't hurt since I'm not going anywhere and since she's not either." You and her ended up becoming best friends Michael wasn't happy about that because you guys were always together and Michael didn't get her as much but he still did get her more than you did he was happy that she loved you now and so were you she helped you through a lot of stuff.

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