BSM another boy catches you skipping school

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Luke:(age:13): your friends wanted to go meet a band at the mall so you guys decided to skip school so luke thought you and your friends were walking to school like you guys usually do but little did he know you guys were actually going to the mall and little did you know they were going to be there too. You guys were at the back of the line the line was already long even know it was early still you asked your friends "who are going to be here today?" They said "one direction and 5 Seconds of Summer duh how didn't you know." You went pale and said "why didn't you guys tell me that earlier I wouldn't have come if I would have known it was them." Your friend who didn't know you were luke hemmings sister said "why do you not like them because you have the pleasure to leave then fake ass fan."You glared at her and said "toal opposite I love them to death their my everything and I know a lot more about them then you do so don't be calling me a fake ass fan and they love me too." She said "then why would have you not come and went to hell instead?" You sighed and said "because luke is my brother and one of them are going to catch me and I'll be in a lot of trouble." She laughed said "yeah right he can't be your brother you toally made that up and I'm dating Ashton in your dreams." You said "ok don't believe me now watch when we get closer I'll be in so much trouble." She said "ok whatever you say keep living the dream." It was our turn my friends walked up and You stayed back not wanting to get caught but it was to late ashton saw you and said "why aren't you girls in school?" he raised his eyebrows at you guys Your friends said "we skipped." He looked straight at you and said "you're in so much trouble." You said "you don't have to tell him it could be out little secret."

Then someone said "oh he doesn't have to I know your grounded for as long as I say that means you go to school do your homework no friends over and that also means no electronics hand over the phone." You froze and then turned around slowly to a fuming luke you handed him your phone your friend stared at you with her mouth open you said "oh now you believe me." She nodded and then said "it wasn't her idea it was mine I'm the one that deserves to be punished." Luke said "I don't care she went along with it." Then you were with security the rest of the day when you got home you went straight to your room.

Ashton:(age:14): you got bullied in school you never wanted to go so you told ashton you were walking with your friends to school which was true but you weren't going to school your friends Decided to tag along with you even know they know they'll get into a lot of trouble but they didn't care you guys decided to go see the new spriderman movie you guys got your popcorn and snacks and then sat next to a couple that you couldn't see in the dark but once the movie was over you heard a voice you knew all to well it was Michael he said "well well look who we have here crystal." You turned around slowly and said "Mikey you know why I did this." He sighed and said "baby girl you can't just ditch school because of them." You said "that's the only way what other way can I do the only other way is to taking my own life." He said "no it isn't I'm taking you home and that's not another way either and girls you should probably head home too." They nodded and said bye to you he drove you home and he walked in with you since the others were there ashton said "yn why aren't you in school?" You said "I skipped I had a reason for it thought." He said "it better be a gosh damn good reason." You said "I get bullied I didn't want to deal with them." Ashton soften and said "baby I didn't know that come here why didn't you tell me we'll help you and put a stop to this." He hugged you and you said "I was scared I'm sorry." He said "we'll put a stop to this ok don't worry but your still grounded for a week." You nodded and handed him your phone then went up to your room.

Michael:(age:15): you were so hungover from the party you went to last night that you didn't want to go to school so you and your friends decided to go to Starbucks you walked with your friends the way you would walk to school but then you guys passed the school and went to the Starbucks you guys were waiting for your drinks you got your drinks and sat down at a table when you heard a very familiar voice say "what are you doing here?" You turned around face to face with calum and the others you said "shit I'm done for." Your friends said "well it was nice knowing you yn." And quickly left but Michael said "not so fast you two." They sighed and came back and Michael said "what are you guys doing here why aren't you guys in school?" You looked down at your feet and said "I'm hungover from the party last night and I didn't want to go to school." He sighed and said "you're grounded for a week no actually a month hand me your phone." You did then your friends went back to school and Michel took you home and you were in your room the rest of the night you learned your lesson.

Calum:(age:16): you needed a dress for a party you were going to tonight but you knew you weren't going to be able to go if you got caught trying to buy a dress during the school hours but you didn't want to wait until after because you knew you wouldn't have enough time so you and your friends skipped school and then you found a dress and you heard someone say "that's beautiful but if I were you I would put it back because your not going to be able to wear it tonight or ever." You froze knowing that voice right away you turned around slowly to see ashton and the others you put the dress back and said "I can explain." Calum said "I already know you needed a dress didn't think you would have time after so you skipped school and now your grounded until I un ground you hand me your phone and your not going to that party tonight." You handed him your phone and your friends went back to school but calum took you home and you went straight to your room you ended up being grounded for 2 months.

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