BSM: Another boys saves you

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Luke:(age:12): it all got to much for you the hate plus the bullying so you thought this was the only way to stop it all so you got home from school and went up to your room and closed your door and locked it you thought no one was home but little did you know that Ashton was there waiting for the others to come Luke told him that he could wait there you were in your room trashing it and then you screamed into your pillow and then you went to your best friend called your razor and made new cuts on your already scars arms then you made a video that said "hi guys Um I know you guys don't like me and probably won't watch this cause you won't care once I'm gone yes you guys drove me to this point in my life were I can't take it anymore I need to end my life right now here I just wanted to say I love you Luke Ashton Calum Michael Harry Liam Niall and Louis I love you guys so much but I can't take this anymore this is how it's all going to end bye guys hope to never see you guys again and I'm so sorry Ashton I just can't do this anymore." You ended the video and posted it with a shaky hand you went into your bathroom and took out a bottle of pills you just poured a handful of them into your hand you just stared at them for a while hoping someone would stop you then someone opened your bathroom door it was Ashton you never wanted him to walk in on this he said "yn put the pills down Now." You just cried and shook your head and said "no I have to do this it's the only answer ash." He said "this isn't the only answer now put them down." He then knocked to pills out of your hand and hugged you tightly as you cried he picked you up and brought you into the living room and he noticed your wrist and cleaned them up and put bandages on them then he hugged you and said "we're going to fix everything." The boys burst through the door and sighed in relief that Ashton saved you from almost killing your self you saw Luke and just made grabby hands for him he picked you up and you said "Ashton saved my life." He said "I know I'm greatful for him." Then you cried yourself to sleep luke thank ashton for saving you and he said "no problem bro she's like a sister to me too. He smiled happy to have a friend like him in his life and you were happy to have him in your life Too.

Michael:(age:13): you and your friends wanted to jump off a bridge for fun but you knew how dangerous it was and it could kill you but yolo you decided to try it as you were looking into the water your friend said "are you going to do it?" You said "I don't know." Then you took a deep breath ready to jump but someone caught you it was Calum you hugged him tightly you were breathing heavily he said "what were you thinking?" You said "I don't know I wasn't." Then he brought you home and the boys were there plus Michael you ran over to him and hugged him he asked "what happened?" Calum said "her and her friends were going to jump off a bridge but I saved her from doing that." He said "thanks dude." He said "no problem dude she's like a sister to me too I would do anything for her." You smiled happy to have people like them in your life.

Calum(age:14):you were spending time with Michael walking back from the movie with Michael and then out of no where this car came and almost hit you Michael picked you up right before it could your heart was ponding you said "thank you so much Michael for saving my life." He said "no problem." Then you guys got home and explained to Calum what happened and he was so thankful that Michael was there to save you and so were you or else you wouldn't have been here to tell the story.

Ashton:(age:15): you were dating this guy that the boys didn't trust at all so someone had to be with you each time you went out with this guy who you thought was fine turns out the boys were right he wanted you to get in a car with him and another guy who you didn't know then luke came to the rescue and said "she's coming with me and you won't be seeing her ever again." Then the two of you left you said "thanks Luke." He said "no problem." You were so graceful that he saved your life you got home and told the others what happened and Ashton thanked Luke for saving you life you were so greatful for him and all the boys.

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