BSM you get bullied

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Luke:(age:12): the reason you got bullied was because you were never in school and that's because you went on tour with your brother whenever he went on tour and people think your using him for his fame which your not and they tell you he doesn't love you or care about you and that none of the boys like you that made you upset you knew it wasn't true but it still hurt when you were leaving school one of the main bullies tripped you, then when you tried to get up they kicked you in the side you couldn't move when they saw your brother's car pull up they ran you got up as fast as you could so Luke wouldn't worry. You got into the car and he asked "what happened and don't say nothing." You said "this girl tripped me and then kicked me she also told me you don't love me and said I'm using you for your fame which isn't true." He sighed then said "come with me." He parked the car and walked striaght into the principals office with you he said "hi I would like to talk to the principal." She said "head right back." You guys did and you explained to him everything that has been happening for months now and the principle said he'll take care of it you said "thank you Luke." He said "no problem sis I'll always be here for you whenever you need me." You smiled happy to have a big brother like him.

Ashton:(age:13): girls would constantly call you fat punch you and hit you they would also say you don't deserve to be Ashton's sister They also said he doesn't love you as this was going on little did you know your brother and the boys were seeing the whole scene Ashton came over and said "leave her alone and you girls are coming with me to the office you don't treat anyone especially my sister the way your treating her your disgusting human beings don't bother showing up at at any of our shows ever." He took them to the office you went with him too, the boys had yoy and you explain everything that has been going on for weeks now and the principal exspelled them until farther notice you were happy about that you said to Ashton "I'm sorry you had to witness that and I'm sorry I didn't tell you." He said "darling I'm glade I saw that happen cause now I ended it and you have to tell me when these things are going on ok?" You said "ok I will." Then the rest of the day you hung out with the boys and him happy to have a brother like Ashton in your life.

Michael:(age:14):you did horrible in school cause people would write mean notes to you, you saved them all cause you had enough and wanted people to believe you, you took the notes home with you and showed Michael he was fuming he took you back to school and gave them to the principal and he asked who wrote these and you told them the people's name and he said he'll take care of this tomorrow morning you said "thank you." Then left Michael said "why didn't you tell me this earlier?" You said "I was afraid." He said "love you have nothing to be afraid of you have to tell me these things ok?" You said "ok I will I'm sorry." Then you guys went home and hung out with the boys you were happy this was ending now and hopefully you'll do better in school now that this is taken care of.

Calum:(age:15): you were on the Soccor(football) team but they didn't think you were suppose to be on the team your teammates hated you just because of Calum cause Calum is good at football so they think your as good as him which you are and they were super jelous of that so they would purposely throw the ball at you and kick it hard at you even when you were in the goal. And you had enough you got home and told your brother and he wasn't happy he went to your couch and you went with him and told him how they were treating you and the couch said he'll talk to the team and then you guys left you said "I'm sorry Calum that I didn't tell you earlier I was scared." He said "you got to tell me these things right when they happen ok?" You said "yeah." Then you guys went home and you showered and watched tv with Calum and the others you were so greatly to have a brother like Calum to always protect you.

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