Bsm: you're dating a 1D boy and you tell him

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*age 18 in all*
Luke(harry): you were out to dinner with the harry styles and it was the most romantic night of your life ever you loved it luke still didn't know you guys were dating yet he took you home and he opened the door for you and you guys walked into the house and luke and the others were there ashton said "I knew it that's why she hasn't been with us latley she's always with him now." You said "wait how did you know ash?" He said "I've seen how you guys look at each other and I've heard him talk about you a lot plus I saw your background on your phone and plus you talk about him 24/7."Luke said "I approve of the two of you but don't hurt her styles and also no more secrets." Harry said "I wouldn't dream of it she's the best thing that's ever happened to me."" You smiled at him and he gave you a side hug and you said "thank you luke and I promise no more secrets." He said "no problem he makes you happy ."

Ashton(niall): you were heading to your brother's concert with your boyfriend niall and calum said "I knew you two were together." You smiled and said "how?" He said "niall let it slip to me one night when he was drunk plus I've seen the way you guys look at eachother and act around each other plus your Facebook says it all." You looked at Niall he said "I'm sorry my bad."you laughed and then you guys went over to were ashton was and he said "I approve but don't you dare hurt her Horan and no more secrets." Niall said "I won't mate you know that for a fact I️ would never dream of it."You said "thanks ash and I promise no more secrets ." He said "no problem sis anything to make you happy." You smiled and you and niall were happy together that was the begin of a beautiful relationship.

Calum(louis): you and your boyfriend louis were watching movies at your older brother's house you lived with him until you can find your own place with Louis of course which calum didn't know about he knew you had a boyfriend but didn't know who. Your brother walked in and said "don't hurt her I Approve of you guys." And then left you yelled to him "thanks cal." He said "what ever makes you happy yn ." You smiled and cuddled with louis.

Michael(liam): you and your boyfriend liam were at a club with the other boys and your brother and his friends were here to and Michael didn't know you were Dating liam so when he saw you two dancing together he said "I approve but don't hurt her payne got it?" Liam said "yeah I would never in million years hurt her." He gave you a side hug and you said "thanks mike." He said "no problem anything to make you happy." You smiled and that was a start of a beautiful relationship.

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