Ashton imagine

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You were going to surprise Ashton at his show you haven't seen him in a month the last time you saw him was at Madison square garden and he asked you to come on the rest of tour with him and you did but then you had to leave to buy things for school and to get ready for school Which you didn't want to do at all you hated that you had to leave to do that. Now you were waiting in line to get merchandise for this show cause you got tickets to this show, it was almost your turn and little did you know Ashton was up there you couldn't see because you were so short. You got closer and saw him and smiled, it was your turn and you said "yes I would like a t shirt tour book and the sign pictures and also a kiss from you and to add to that a cuddle too." Ashton turned around and had the biggest smile on his face he lifted you over the table the people behind the table were so confused on why he did that he hugged you tightly and said "gosh I missed you so much." He cupped your face You said "I missed you too."

Then he peaked your lips for a while the fans awed then he pulled away and gave you your things that you got. Then you guys headed backstage the whole way back you guys just talked about everything in life you were so happy to be back with him even if it's just for the week but your fine with that every mintue counts.

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