BSM a "fan" hurts you

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Luke:(age:10): you were walking home from school when one of the so call fans came up to you and looked you up and down you tried to get passed her but she wouldn't let you she said "you're not going anywhere attention seeker." You rolled your eyes at her and crossed your arms and said "my brother will kill you if you hurt me." She laughed and said "why would I ever hurt you?" She walked around you making you nervous then she pushed you to the ground and kicked your side and punched you and at that moment you brother came to the rescue he said "get the hell out of here I never want to see you again your banned and I mean banned from all our shows for the rest of our careers and also all the signings and meet and greets and we're suing!!!!" She then left and then luke helped you up and said "let's get you home and get you cleaned up." You nodded you got home and he cleaned you up the boys helped since they were there then after that you decided to watch movies with them luke said "we won't let anyone hurt you ever again I'm sorry for that." You said "it wasn't your fault it was hers I was just happy you were there to stop her." He hugged you and then you guys watched the movie until you feel asleep in the saftey of your brother's arms you were so happy to have him.

Calum:(age:11): you loved calum fans and they all loved you so when he stopped for them to take pictures with them you didn't mind because they also wanted pictures with you but one girl kept on giving you a death glare you could tell she wasn't a true fan just by the look of her. You walked closer to calum knowing the girl was ready to come at you and you were right the girl came over to you and said "stop trying to be like calum." You said "I'm not fans just like me." She said "well I don't." You said "and I respect that now please leave me alone." She said "not yet I'm not done with you."

Then she punched you in the face you gasped calum saw and came over and said "leave now I never want to see you again ever you just ruined it for everyone else to we're leaving sorry girls you can blame this girl for hurting my sister."

Then we left as the girls yelled at the girl and the girl ran away. We got home and calum got ice for my forming bruise he said "I can't believe she did that we're suing." You said "I can she was eyeing me the whole time I knew she was going to do something." He said "well we won't have to deal with her anymore." Then you guys just watched movies the rest of the day and he invited the boys over and told them what happened and they weren't happy either you were happy to have calum as your big brother and same with the other boys.

Michael:(age:12): now people should know not to mess with you because your Michael Clifford's sister and they should know when he gets angry you don't want to be in his path it's bad but this one girl who was a so call fan decided to mess with you all day at school you turned around and said to her "you better watch what you say because I'll tell my brother and he'll hurt you I'm serious about that he doesn't play." She said "yeah right he would never hurt one of his fans." You said "well you're not a true fan so bye bye."

Then you started walking away when she pulled you hair and started kicking you and punching you and at that moment Michael and the boys pulled in got out and ran over to stop this Michael got the girl off of you as you ran to the boys and Michael said "get the hell away from us now your never ever allowed at any and I mean any of our events ever again for the rest of our careers if we see you there you will get kicked out now get out of our lives for good and we're suing you for hurting my sister for no gosh dam reason leave now!!!" She left shocked she didn't never expect that she never thought Michael would get like that you smiled happy your brother did that he came over to you and hugged you and said "let's get you home and cleaned up." You guys drove home and the boys and Michael cleaned you up and then you guys just chilled he rest of the day you were greatful for the boys.

Ashton:(age:13): now everyone knew if they messed with you that they also messed with Ashton and that scared people because when Ashton get angry it's not a pretty sight but this girl didn't care she was hurting you all day at school she was pinching you scratching you pulling you hair and then at the end of the day she slapped you hard and punched you and Ashton saw and came running over and said to the so call fan "leave her the hell alone I never want to see you again your banned from ever concert and ever other event we have for the rest of our caree now leave I'm suing you!!!" She left then Ashton hugged you and said "let's get you home." You nodded you got home and the boys were there they gasped and said "what happened?" You said "a so call fan did this to me but don't worry you won't see her ever again ashton told her off pretty well." Luke said "good no one hurts our little sister." You smiled as Ashton got ice for you and you just watched tv the rest of the day thankful for Ashton.

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