BSM: you hit your head with another boy

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Luke:(age:12): you guys were all in the pool playing a game you were swimming away from Ashton who was it and you were swimming fast and you ran straight into something or someone you rose up and rubbed your head and saw Calum doing the same the two of you just laughed he said "your head is hard." You said "yours is harder." You guys just laughed you both were fine and found it funny that it happened. Luke said "you guys are idiots." You laughed.

Calum:(age:13): you were running around the yard playing Soccor you were running after the ball when you ran into something or someone you should say you fell to the ground and goraned while rubbing your head the person said "are you ok?" You looked up and saw Ashton rubbing his head to you laughed and so did he and you said "yeah I'm fine are you ok?" He laughed and said "yeah I'm fine to just remind me next time not to chase after the ball while playing with you." You giggled and then you guys continued to play.

Ashton:(age:14): you were lying in your bed with all the boys to you guys were watching a movie and just passed out when you were moving to get comfortable you hit your head on something or you should say someone turns out you hit your head on Michael's head he was laughing and so were you as the both of you rubbed your heads you guys were fine but you moved so you wouldn't bump into his head again.

Michael:(age:15): you were fooling around with the boys play fighting when you and Luke hit heads you both groan and started laughing at eachother that was the end of that so either of you wouldn't get hurt again it was fun when it lasted.

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