Imagine your siblings are fans of them

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Luke: your younger sisters are huge fans of 5SOS you were taken them to a meet and greet that they were having  luke invited you to go with him and the boys  you said that you would be there with your sisters because they got tickets for the meet and greet and you parents couldn't take them so  you had to take them, It was their turn and they hugged all the boys and got pictures with them and talked to them then you went over to your boyfriend Luke and said "told you their crazy." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you and said "I've seen crazier, your crazier than them." You smiled and glared at him as you rolled your eyes too and said "oh please I've seen crazier fans then me." He chuckled and then he peaked your lips and the picture people got a picture of that and you sisters gasped and said "how and when?" You said "last month while I was in la working at Starbucks they walked in and Luke liked me so he asked me out then after that we started going out." Your sister said "does mom and dad know?" You said "yeah they love him and they love the rest of his family too." He smiled at me and gave me a side hug while my sisters freaked out I'm surprised they didn't pass out.

Calum: your Brother was playing video games with his friends when you and Calum walked in and your brother's friend said "dude you didn't tell me your sister was dating a famous person that's so sick." your brother looked at you and Calum and said "when did this happen and how?" I said "last month when I went to their concert and met them we instally clicked and he asked me out and we've been together since." He  then turned back to his game and said "does our parents know?"You said "yeah they love him." He said "okay cool he seems cool he should play video games with us sometime or can he not do that."calum said to you "I'm guessing he's happy? And of course I can do that but I think you'd rather play with my band mate and best friend Michael he's much better then me."You said "yeah he likes us together I think at less I can never tell with him." He chuckled and said "good." Your brother said "I like you guys."After his friend left Calum went over and asked if he could play with him your brother said sure they got along great and you were thrilled about that.

Michael:you walk into your house with Michael and 5SOS is blasting and your sister is singing loudly with her friends you guys head up stairs and stood at her door until she noticed a couple mintues later she turned around and froze and said "how long have to two of you been there for?" You said "long enough to know you can do the whip and nae nae even know I can do it better then you can." She blushed madly and her friend said "how did you two met?" You said "in NYC when they were here 2 months ago on the streets then he asked me out and we've been going out together ever since."  She said "oh my gosh your so lucky that your old enough to date him if I were I would have taken him in a heartbeat he would have been mine." You said "well your not he's mine now."pulling Michael close to you and kissing his lips She said "yeah I know that."Then they asked Michael a bunch a question you gave him a apologetic look and he said "it's fine I don't mind I love my fans and you know that."You smiled happy that your sister liked him.

Ashton: you and Ashton were at a party at your parents house this was the first time he was going to meet your siblings you guys walked in and your brother said "you weren't kidding when you said you were dating him?" You said "no I wasn't why would I joke about that."He said "you always say your dating him when you actually weren't cause I never thought it would actually happen no one did we all thought you were crazy."you looked at Ashton and said "he means even before we were actually dating you didn't even know I exsited yet I was just another fan to you who had a dream of dating you now I'm dating you." He said "oh now I get what you mean ." Your sisters said "oh my gosh how?" You said "when I went to the signing last month we started talking then after that he took me out for lunch and ever since we've been together." They were happy and got a long with him you were happy about that.

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