Imagine You're related to one of the 1D girlfriends

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Luke: Eleanor Calder was your sister but Luke didn't know that you were at Louis and Eleanor's house since you lived with them because you and luke were still trying to find a apartment so you were living with them until then. You guys were watching a movie when Eleanor walked in with Louis  surprised to see Luke there because they had no idea you were dating Luke until now and said "oh didn't know you two were dating thanks for telling me sis." You said "I'm sorry I was afraid that Luke wouldn't want to date me anymore because he knows how overprotective Louis is of me." He said "love that doesn't mean I would stop you from dating you 're dream guy and no more secrets ok." You nodded Louis said "and I approve because I've known him for years and I know he would never hurt you ever." Luke said "never in a million years." You were happy they approved of the two of you.

Ashton:Cheryl is your cousin you lived with her because you wanted to until you got a apartment with your boyfriend Ashton and you lived with Liam too and their son right now you and Ashton were watching bear while Liam and Cheryl were out when Liam and Cheryl walked in they were surprised to see Ashton there too because you never told them you guys were dating you did tell them you were dating someone but they didn't know who until today. Cheryl said "since when have you guys been going out?" You said "since a week ago I'm sorry I was scared to tell you guys but now you guys know who my boyfriend is." Cheryl said "Liam approves and so do I no more secrets ok?" You nodded and said "yeah I promise sounds good to me thank you guys." Then you guys went back to bear and enjoyed the rest of the day.

Calum: you were chilling at home when your sister hailey came home with Niall she said "thanks for telling me sis that you have a boyfriend." You said "I'm sorry it never came up but hey your meeting him now Calum this is my sister hailey hailey Calum." He said "nice to meet you." She said "nice to meet you too." Then you guys just watched movies the rest of the day after you guys were done with that you guys chatted the rest of the time you guys were together you were happy that hailey approved.

*Only doing these three since their the only ones with girlfriends.*

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