Imagine he saves you

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Luke: you were walking home from a party with your friends when someone grabbed you and covered your mouth you tried to scream once they got you into the ally They removed their hand from your mouth and you screamed as loud as you could so someone would hear you the guy slapped you hard across the face sending you to the ground he said "shut up bitch someone will hear you." you were about to say something but Then you heard someone you knew to well say "well someone did you better back away from the girl before I beat the living shit out of you." The guy got scared tossed you on the floor and ran as fast as he could he left you on the ground, you saw Luke and ran to him he caught you as you cried he said "shh you're ok now you're safe did he hurt you? he looked you over You said "yeah he slapped me and you saved my life literally ." He said "I know I did and I will always be here when you need me and I'll kill that son of a bitch if I ever see him again." You smiled happy that he would always be here to save you when you needed it.

Ashton: you guys were in the pool with the boys and one direction boys you guys were having fun and fooling around when you slipped and hit your head on the side of the pool Ashton saw the whole thing and swam over to you as fast as he could and swam under the water to save since you passed out once you hit your head, you he got you out of the water and you coughed and breathed he hugged you as he wrapped a towel around your wet body. You said "you saved me." He said "yeah I did." You said "thanks." He said "I'll always save you babe." He just held you and Calum got you ice for you head you and Ashton just stayed like that for a while as you iced your head which had a bump on it now.

Calum: you were taking a shower when you slipped and fell and hit your head you thought no one was home so you thought you were going to bleed out and die right there in your bathroom you manged to get a towel on and climb out of the shower and move to your bed even know you were dizzy Calum came in and saw what happened he quickly got you clothes and you put them on and he drove you to the hospital just in time you said "thank you Calum you saved my life." He said "I'll always be here when you need me." Then he laid with you in the bed after they stitched you up you were free to go home and Calum just held you the whole time not wanting to lose you ever you knew he cared a lot about you you were his whole world.

Michael: you were climbing a tree when you were climbing down you slipped and fell you thought you were falling to your death but then Michael was right below you to catch you he caught you and caught his balance so the both of you wouldn't fall and you were breathing heavily your heart was pounding out of your chest you said "oh my gosh you saved my life." He said "yeah I did your never doing that again." You said "agreed." Then you guys headed home after your near death experience.

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