BSM: you get stung by a bee

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Luke:(age:12): you were playing outside with your friends when you felt something land on you and you pushed it off thinking it was a bug or something it was a bee and that made it mad it started chasing you and you ran and then it stung you on your arm you screamed and ran inside to were the boys and Luke were serria asked "what happened?" You said "a stupid bee stung me in the arm." Luke got the stinger out and then put stuff on it so it wouldn't hurt as bad then you guys just chilled the rest of the day and relaxed.

Calum:(age:13):you were extremely allergic to bees so when one landed on you you didn't notice it and smacked it thinking it was a fly or something else but boy where you wrong it stung you, you gasped and ran inside and said to Calum "I need my eppi pen asap I just got stung by a bee I didn't know it was a bee." Calum ran to get it he got it and put it in you where the stung was it slowly started to become smaller you said "you saved me once again." He said "you know I always do but you got to be more careful when your outside." You said "I know I didn't know it was a bee until I felt it stung me." You stayed inside for the rest of the day not risking anything.

Ashton:(age:14): you got stung by a bee on your leg and it hurt like a bitch you limped inside and the boys where there Ashton asked "what happened?" You said "I got stung by a bee." Then he cleaned it up and took the stinger out and then he put stuff on it so it wouldn't hurt as much you decided to chill with them the rest of the day.

Michael:(age:15): somehow a bee got into your hair and then stung you on the hand you screamed and went inside Michael removed it and then put stuff on it to make it stop hurting and then you iced it for the rest of the day and just relaxed with him and the boys for the rest of the day next time you will be more careful when your touching your hair.

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