BSM: you climb into another boys bunk by accident

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Luke:(age:12): you were exhausted From the long day today  so you just climbed into the first bunk you saw hoping it was Luke's but not caring if it was his or not you climbed in and the person turned over and said "I'm not luke but I'm fine with you sleeping with me." It was Calum you said "thanks I'm not moving even if you told me too I'm so tired." He just chuckled and you passed out in his bunk you woke up the next morning and walked into the living room and Luke said "I see you found a new favorite." You rolled your eyes and said "I was exhausted ok I didn't feel like search for your bunk." He chuckled and said "I figured." Then you sat next to him on the couch.

Ashton:(age:13): you were so sore and tired from the day that you just climbed into the first bunk that you saw and it happened to be Luke's you didn't care and neither did he he just snuggled you while you fell asleep to lazy to move you woke up the next morning and walked into the living room and Ashton said "trader." You rolled you eyes and said "I was tired and I was to lazy to move." Ashton said "I figured I was kidding but you did worry me when you didn't come to my bunk but it's all good cause Luke told me you were with him." You said "good I was safe." He chuckled then you snuggled into him.

Calum:(age:14): you were pulling a all nighter with Michael but you couldn't do it any longer so you headed to bed in which you thought was calum's bunk you climbed in and the person turned around it was Ashton he just shrugged and you said "I don't care I'm so tired." He said "I know go to sleep." Then you both fell asleep you woke up the next day and Calum said "see you didn't make it last night." You said "no and then ended up in Ashton's bunk cause I was that tired." He chuckled and then you fell back to sleep on the couch.

Michael:(age:15): you were exhausted but some how managed to get into Michael's bunk with no problem finding it you fell asleep the next morning Michael said "I'm surprised you found my bunk." You said "I'm too I was so tired last night." He said "oh I know." Then you fell back to sleep on the couch Michael chuckled and they left you there.

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