Imagine You're related/know to one of the 1D boys but they don't know

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Luke: you and Luke were at your house in your room cuddling and talking when you heard voice down stairs you said "shit my brother's home with his friends go in the closet." Luke hid in your closet and you walked downstairs and saw the other one direction boys and the 5SOS boys you said "hey boys." They said "hey yn." You acted stupid and said "where's luke?" Calum said "he said he had family issues to solve." You laughed and said "that's such a lame excuse he could have came up with something better." The boys gave you a weird look then you noticed what you said and said "I mean oh that's not good hope they resolve it soon." Harry said "are you hiding something from us?" You said "no psh why would you think that I would never hide anything from you guys ever and you guys know that right?" Louis said "you're terrible at lying. We've known you for years yn what's up?" You said "um it's nothing honestly I promise you."

Then Luke came downstairs and said "babe why every time your brother comes home do I have to hide.." he got down the stairs and noticed the boys and said "what are you guys doing at my girlfriend's brother's house?" Niall said "well your girlfriend is my sister I see she didn't tell either of us the truth?" They both looked at you and you said "um I was eventually going to tell you but hey now you guys know no harm no foul right?" You were hoping they weren't going to lecture you then Niall said "Hemings I trust you with her I know you won't hurt her but yn no more secrets from either of us got it?" You nodded and Luke said "and tell me the truth always and tell him the truth too." You said "I will I'm sorry I was just scared that's all I didn't know if Niall was going to kill me or not for dating one of his best mates or kill you." Niall said "I understand now go back to what you guys were doing door open and yn I've known for a long time that this would happen I would never hurt you and you know that." You said "yup got it and I know that." Then you guys continued what you were doing you were happy that Niall approved.

Calum: Calum was having the boys over and little did you know the 1D boys were coming over too.little did Calum know that Louis was your family friend you guys grew up together you never told Calum because you never thought it was were cleaning the house and cooking food for them there was a knock at the door you got it it was the boys you smiled and said "hi boys." They said "hey yn where's cal?" You said "right here." As Calum walked in and said "hey dudes I invited the 1D boys over too." You spit out your water that you were drinking all over to counter the boys chuckle and you cleaned it up and said "um Calum repeat that one more time did you just say the 1D boys are coming here? To our apartment? Today?" He said "yeah is there a problem." You said "um no there's no problem here no problem at all just to be exact all of them or only Niall?" He said "all of them is there something you want to tell me that's bothering you?" You said "um no it's nothing honestly it's not that big of a deal." You laughed nervously going up to yours and calum's room hiding there. Leaving Calum and the boys confused.

There was a knock from down stairs and voice you didn't move you just stayed in your bed until Calum came up and said "the 1D boys want to meet you." You said "they already know me and I'm going to get a lecture from them." Calum frowned his eyebrows and said "what do you mean they already know you?" You sighed and said "you'll see." He walked down behind you and Louis said "yn what are you doing here?" You said "hi boys um I'm sort of dating Calum I didn't tell you boys because I was afraid to see your reaction." Louis said "hood I approve but don't hurt her I know you won't." Calum said "I would never but I'm still confused how you guys know each other?" You said "we're family friends I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier I was afraid." Calum said "oh  wait you're not the little girl that was on tour with them when we were with them back in the day ?" You said "yeah that was me." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the day with them.

Ashton: you knew Ashton invited the boys over but you didn't know that he also invited the 1D boys over aka your best friend Liam you guys were like brother and sister but you never told Ashton because you were afraid he wouldn't date you because you were afraid Liam would say no because he's really protective over you. So you were just chilling in the living room with the boys until there was a knock at the door you said you'll get it since you were getting up any ways to get them food you got it and went pale and Liam walked in and  said "um yn what are you doing here?" You said "um I kind of live here." Liam said "with Ashton?" You said "um yeah Ashton get your ass in here now!!!" Ashton walk into the living room and said "is there a issue here?" You said "yes mager you got to tell me when you invite the 1D boys over so I'm not here so this wouldn't happen!!!" He said "babe why don't you want to be here when the 1D boys are here do you not like them or something?" You said "boy do you know who your talking too? I'm the liam James Payne's best friend I love them to death there my big secret is out for the year I'm dating Ashton fletcher Irwin from 5SOS he's the man of my dreams and you can't do anything about it so there and you know for a fact that I wanted to date him for a long time and now I got my chance don't ruin it for me." Liam said "whoa whoa whoa calm down yn I'm not mad at you I'm upset that you didn't tell me because you tell me everything but I'm allowing you to date him because I know he won't hurt you and I know he's the man of your dreams and I would never ruin this and you know that." Ashton said "I would never and please no more secrets yn." You said "ok I won't I'm sorry boys I was scared." They said "we understand it's ok." Then you guys enjoyed the rest of the day together.

Michael: harry Edward styles was your cousin but of course you didn't tell Michael that because it never came up until today when he invited all the boys over meaning Calum Ashton Luke Niall Liam harry and Louis. They were all in the living room you were napping so you had no idea they were here until you walked downstairs and saw them you gasped and hid behind the wall but they heard you and Michael said "babe is that you?" You sighed and slowly stepped out and walked into the living room Harry said "yn what are you doing here I thought you said you were spending the day with your.. oh my gosh wait are you guys dating?!?!" You sighed and said "yes I'm sorry I didn't tell You boys it never came up until today." Harry said "it's fine love I approve I know he won't hurt you ever." Michael said "just no more secrets ok?" You said "sounds perfect thanks h." He said "no problem love."
Thenyou guys enjoyed the rest of the day together you were happy Harry approved of you guys.

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