Imagine he protects you

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Ashton: you and Ashton were walking through his hometown when fans saw you guys and started crowding you guys Ashton had his hands on your waist the whole time he could tell you were get really uncomfortable and didn't really like having that many people around you you were also about to have a panic attack after the fans left he said "I'm so sorry babe for all that." You said "it's fine babe I have to get use to it and they were fine I'm just like them." He smiled and said "and I'll always be here to protect you from that."he took your hand and kissed it then walked back to his house that he grew up in. You were happy he was there to protect you.

Luke: you guys were at his concert and a guy kept on checking you out and you were getting really uncomfortable so you walked over to Luke and told him Luke went over to the guy and said into the micaphon"mate stop looking at my girl it's making her really  uncomfortable if you do it again I'll have to ask you to leave ." He said "she's your girl?" Pointing to you and Luke said "yes now please leave before I call security." The guy left and you said "thank you Luke for protecting me." He said "no problem babe I will always be here to protect you from anything." He peaked your lips and hugged you then you went to your seat for the concert. You were happy luke was there to protect you from anything.

Michael: you guys were at a restaurant on a date and the waiter kept on flirting with you and you didn't like that at all and neither did Michael, Michael said to the guy "mate can't you tell that we're on a date and she's not interested in you?" He said "I'm sorry." Then left you smiled at Michael and said "thank you." He said "no problem babe I'll always protect you." He kissed your cheek and you guys enjoyed the rest of your night together. You were happy he was there to protect you.

Calum: you guys were at a one direction concert and calum left to use the bathroom. A guy came over to you and said "hey pretty lady." And started rubbing your thighs you say "stop I'm taken please don't do that And that makes me very uncomfortable." You tried to move away but he followed you He said "by who one of the guys up there because that's what every other girl told me tonight but hate to break it to you sweetheart you have no chance with them they rather go for a model or someone much prettier and plus your just a stupid fan that doesn't know shit about them or thinks she does  but honestly doesn't know them personally." Then someone behind him said "well she doesn't need them because she has me now leave her the hell alone she's beautiful and hate to break it to you dude she knows more about them then she knows about you and she does know them personally so please leave before I tell them what you said to her." You turned around and saw calum he said "now you better leave before I hurt you." The guy left starstrucked and you said "thanks superman." Calum smiled and said "anything for you super girl." You smiled and he put his arm around your shoulder and you guys continued watching the concert. You were happy he was there to protect you from anything and anyone.

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