Imagine you're wearing shorts that him and the boys think are to short

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Luke: you walked downstairs ready for a day full of interviews with the boys. The boys saw your shorts and said "go change their way to short." You rolled your eyes knowing they would say that they were all really protective over you which you were fine with. You said "their not that bad." Luke said "I can see your ass hanging out of them we're not leaving this house until you go change them." You look at the boys for help but they were on Luke's side for this you groan and put other shorts on you said "happy." They smiled and said "yes you love us." You said "yeah I do." Then you guys headed to the car and was off to interviews.

Calum: you were heading to the beach with the boys and one direction boys and Calum of course you walked downstairs all ready when Ashton said "go change those shorts I can see your ass hanging out of them." You rolled your eyes and looked at Calum and said "do you agree with him?" Calum said "yes I do and your cousin would kill me if I let you out of the house in those." Your cousin was the Harry styles and you knew he would kill him if he did let you walk out of the house in those shorts You rolled your eyes and went to go change them you walked back down and said "better?" They said "much." Then you guys were off to the beach.

Ashton: you walked down stairs ready for a party you and the boys plus Ashton were going to you were wearing shorts but the boys eyes went wide when you walked down and they said "go change to short." You sighed and went to go change then you walked down in other shorts and they said "much better." Then you guys headed to the party.

Michael: you walked downstairs in shorts that you loved but knew the boys and Michael wouldn't approve they saw you in them and you just turned around and went back upstairs cause they gave you a look that said go change so that's what you did you walked back down with a different pair of shorts Michael smiled and said "you know us to well." You smiled and then enjoyed the rest of the day with them.

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