Imagine him and the boys crash you're girls night

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Luke: you were having a girls night and they were sleeping over right now you guys were playing truth or dare you're friend said "yn truth or dare?" You said "truth." She said "are you single or taken?" You said "I'm taken." Your friend said "by who?" You said "this guy name Luke." You didn't dare to say you're dating someone from your favorite band cause they wouldn't believe you cause you say that all the time. Then the front door open it was Luke and the boys you screamed and so did your friends you ran to Luke and jumped into his open arms he caught you and hugged you tightly he said "gosh I missed you so much." You said "I missed you too so much." You kissed his lips and  then You completely fogot about you're girls night and they said "we'll leave if you just want time with them? Because it looks like to us you know them better than us."You said "no stay they can join us if that's ok with you girls and you'll get to know them better." Your friend said "hell yeah it's fine with us it's our idols right in front of us." You giggled.

Then the boys put their things away then they came back down and joined you guys and crystal was with you guys too you were so happy to have Luke back with you even know it's for a short amount of time.

Calum: you were at a water park with your friends this was your girl day then you saw the boys and gasped and the girls did the same you ran over to Calum and jumped on to his back he saw it was you and you jumped off and he hugged you and peaked your lips and said "what are you doing here?" You said "I'm having a girls day with the girls." They waved at him he waved back and said "want to join us?" The girls said "yeah we would love to join you handsome boys." Checking them out You said "girls back off calum's mine." Crystal said "and Michael's mine." Serria said "and Luke is mine."Then you guys spent the rest of the day with the boys and enjoyed the water park and you enjoyed your time with Calum even if it was only for the day.

Ashton: you girls were going to a concert for your girls day and it was a 5sos and they managed to get backstage passes for all of you. You guys headed back stage it was you guys turn you ran to Ashton he caught you and hugged you tightly then he put you down and peaked your lips you smiled and said "I missed you so much." He said "I missed you too this is your girls day?" Your friend said "yeah. You guys are in this day too of course can never forget about you boys but only you guys no other boys." They laughed and said "of course we are when aren't we." You laughed happy to be back with them you guys hung out until the concert and then you guys headed to your seat and you handed Luke a rose as a joke he winked at you and you rolled your eyes he just laughed then after the show you guys chilled with them.

Michael: you girls were at the movies for your girl day then you saw the boys there too of course Michael sits right next to you and he said "hey babe." You jumped dropped all the popcorn that was on your lap and hugged him and peaked his lips you said "hey what are you doing here?" He said "we have a couple of hours before the show so we decided to come to the movies." Your girls said "do you boys want to join us after for dinner too?" Michael said "if you guys don't mind we don't want to intrude on your girls day." They said "nonsense you guys are more than welcome to come it'll be a 5sos and girls day." They Laughed Then the movie started and you guys watched it and enjoyed it then after that you guys headed out to dinner and the boys paid for you girls which you girls were toally fine with and you were happy to be back with them even for this short amount of time and your friends love them too.

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