Bsm: you have a crush on a 1D boy and he tells them and you get mad at him

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Ashton(age 18)(Liam): you were at Ashton's house he went out to the studio with the other boys and he said he's bring other people over too, you were on you computer looking a pictures of your celebrity crush Liam James Payne gosh you could talk about him for hours and he was single so you might have a chance you never know, the front door opened but you didn't hear it you were to into fansizing about yours and Liam's life together if you guys ever got together. You snapped out of it when someone threw a pillow at your face you looked to see the boys and 1D boys and you quickly closed your computer and ran to the bathroom to fix your hair you walked back out and said "hi boys." They said "hi yn." Ashton said "you okay there?"You said "yeah I'm good." You said "hi Liam." He said "hi yn."

Then he said "well I'm going to get the food anyone want to come with?" You quickly said "I will." Right away Ashton smriked at you, you said "what?" He says "does someone have a crush on Liam?" You said "no shut up."

Then the two of you left you guys came back and Ashton said "you do." You said "fine I do but don't tell him." He said "no promises." You groaned Liam walked in and Ashton nudged you you said "stop gosh you're so annoying." He said "that's what I'm here for and whatever lovebird." You rolled your eyes then you went to the bathroom and you came out and Ashton said "I had too." You gasped and said "you didn't ash." He said "I'm sorry I had too." You goraned and went up to your room because you didn't want to face Liam.

Then there was a knock at the door you said "go away ash I don't want to talk to you right now." The person said "it's me Liam can I come in?" You said "yeah of course." He walked in and said "I'm glad you like me because I like you too." You said "really?!?"He said "yeah I've always had I never thought you felt the same way about me." You smiled at him and then he said "want to see a movie with me tonight?" you said "I would love too." then the two of you walked down stairs and you said "thank you and I'm sorry I got mad at you Ash." He said "what are you thanking me for?" You said "for telling him me and him are going to a movie bye." You kissed ashton's cheek and left he said "what did I do?" The others chuckled and Niall said "good going mate you got your little sister a boyfriend." He groaned not pleased but happy it was Liam and not some random guy.

Luke(age 17)(Harry): you were hanging out with Luke and the boys, the 1D boys were on their way. There was then a knock at the door you went to the bathroom and fixed your hair and you put on a nicer outfit then you went back to the livingroom and said "hey you guys." They said "hi." And you gave them all hugs , then Luke said "what's new boys?" They said "nothing much." You guys talked and you were siting next to Harry and then Luke said "yn has a crush on Harry." Your eyes went wide and you said "no I don't." Luke said "really have you seen your computer screen and your room." You blushed and said "Luke stop your embrassing me." You got up and left the room, you went up to your room there was a knock at the door you said "Luke I don't want to talk to you." The person said "it's me Harry love can I come in?" You said "yeah sure." He walked in and sat next to you on your bed he said "you have nothing to be embarrassed about I have something to tell you." You looked at him and he said "I think it's sweet you have a crush on me." You smiled and said "I turn 18 next month." He said "we can still go out now only if you want too." You said "you like me?" He said "yeah." You said "you don't think I'm crazy?" He said "nonsense I've seen crazier." You smiled and then You guys walked back downstairs and you said to Luke "I'm sorry I got mad at you Luke and thank you for telling him, Harry and I are going for a walk." You kissed Luke's cheek and left he said "oh no what did I do?" The others laughed and said "nice going mate you got her a boyfriend." He groaned but happy it was him and not another guy.

Calum(age:18) you were up in your room until you heard calum mention your name you quietly went down the stairs and hid behind the wall he said "yeah she has a huge crush on you so I approve of you to ask her out it would make her so happy." You couldn't believe he told Niall that you had a crush on him you said "I hate you calum!!!"You ran up to your room and stayed in there then there was a knock on the door you said "go away calum I'm not in the mood." The person said "it's me Niall." You said "come in." He came in and said "I have a crush on you too and I was going to ask you out that is why calum told me you have a crush on me." You face lit up and you said "really?!?" He said "yeah so what do you say?" You said "I would love too." You hugged him and then went down stairs and said "I'm sorry cal for getting upset I love you and thank you." You kissed Calum's cheek and you and Niall were off to the movies, calum said "she's growing up so fast."

Michael(age:17) you have a crush on the Louis Tomlinson just everything is perfect about him and you knew you were to young for him so you knew you didn't have a chance with him but you could dream when ever you heard him speak or his name you would get this gaint smile on your face, one day the boys and 1D boys were over and Of course you were down stairs too you were siting next to Louis of course, you laughed at everything Louis was saying and you were lying on his lap and your feet were on Michael,Michael said "you're being very obvious that you have a crush on him." You said "shut up." And kicked him lightly He said "what we all know you do?" You said "is that true?" The others nodded and Louis said "I even know love And I find it cute." You were first mad at Michael for telling everyone but then you were okay with it because Louis said it was cute and that made you smile.

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