BSM: you give him a attitude

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Luke:(age:12): you were on your period but decided not to tell the boys because you didn't feel like it you were on tour with them at the moment. You guys just got back from the concert and you just took a shower you were sitting on the couch while the boys just talked then Luke said "it's getting late yn you should probably going to bed." You rolled your eyes and said "I'm 12 Luke I can do whatever I want I'm punk rock." He rose his eyebrow at you and said "first off no need for the attitude second off your not punk rock and Excatly you're 12 and you can't do whatever you want now go to bed if you're going to have a attitude." You goraned and said "ugh you're so annoying I'm going to bed so I don't have to deal with you." You walked to the bunk and went to sleep the next morning you apologize to Luke for the way you acted last night and told him why you acted that way and he said it was ok and to just be careful.

Ashton:(age:13): you were going through a phase where you were a rebel and Ashton didn't like so he took your phone and you gave him a attitude you said "ugh you're so annoying." He said " you can have it back once you lose the attitude and this." You rolled your eyes just went to bed. You woke up the next morning and apologize for the way you were acting you told him you were just trying to be cool and now you realize that that wasn't cool of you the way you were acting. He said it was fine and then gave you back your phone and said no to act that way again and you promised him not to act that way ever again.

Calum:(age:14): you haven't gotten a lot of sleep which means a bad attitude from you all day and Calum was getting feed up with it as you rolled your eyes again at him he said "just go to bed yn." You did the next morning you woke up with a better attitude and apologize to them about the way you were acting Calum told you that you need to get more sleep you promised him that you would and you took naps through out the day so you never had that attitude again which the boys were please about because they didn't want to deal with that on top of everything else they had to deal with.

Michael:(age:15): you and your boyfriend were in a fight so you had a bad attitude all day and Michael was getting annoyed by that he said "don't be taking out your problems with your boyfriend on us knock it off with the attitude and fix things with him so you're not like this or leave him." You said "ok fine gosh." You then tried to fix things with your boyfriend and you did you apologize to the boys and Michael about the way you were acting all day they said it was fine just don't let it happen again and you promised them it wouldn't then you went to sleep after that happy you and your boyfriend were good.

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