BSM you have a mental break down

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Calum:(age:12): 3 failed test you find out your best friend was using you for Calum you speak your mind and get in trouble what more could you go through today but then this girl insults you and hurts you you ran home in tears you opened the door and slammed it shut you slid down the door and just cried and cried until someone picked you up it was Calum he brought you to the living room where the boys were you saw Luke and crawled into his lap he hugged you and said "what happened baby?" Once you stopped for a moment to catch your breath you said "I found out ybfn was only using me for you guys I failed 3 test and I spoke my mind and got in trouble for saying what I thought was right but I guess it was wrong and I just want this day to end cause to top it all off this girl hurt me and insulted me for no reason just because I'm his sister." You cried more and they gave you a group hug as you just cried yourself to sleep.

Michael:(age:16): you found out your boyfriend was cheating on you and your teacher yelled at you for no reason and your best friend admitted to fucking your boyfriend you just had a shitty day you were beyond pissed you walked in and slammed the door and went straight to your room and slammed that door then you screamed into your pillow and then you destroyed your whole room then you walked down stairs where the boys were and Michael you bursted out into tears when you saw them and you fell into Michael he hugged you tightly and said "want to explain what this is all about?" You said "my best friend or my ex best friend fucked my boyfriend who is now my ex because he cheated on me with a different girl and I got yelled at by a teacher for no reason Like I didn't say any thing she just yelled at me and I just had a shitty day and all I want is you boys." You just cried as they all hugged you and then you fell asleep from all the crying you did.

Ashton:(age:14): the hate was so bad that it made you want to hurt yourself again but you couldn't because you promised the boys and Ashton that you wouldn't you walked down to were they where in tears You ran over to Ashton and said "I can't handle all the hate anymore ash I can't do this anymore I can't do this it's just so much." He just hugged you and so did the others as you cried your eyes out they hated seeing you liked this you eventually cried yourself to sleep but none of them left you in this state of mind they were to afraid too.

Luke:(age:11): you loved being on tour with your brother but you missed your mom like crazy and same with your other brothers and your dad you ran into the living room on the tour bus and ran to Luke and just cried he said "missing the fam?" You nodded he just hugged you and you just cried it all out then you cried yourself to sleep but he didn't leave you knowing you needed him right now.

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