Bsm: you play truth or dare with them and the 1D boys

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Ashton(age 18): Ashton knew you have a crush on Liam so tonight he invited him and the other boys over for a game night, right now you and the rest of 5SOS and the 1D boys were playing truth or dare and right now it was Ashton's turn, he said "yn truth or dare?" You were afraid to pick either so you said "pass." Luke said "oh come on yn he can't say anything that bad." You said "have you met him yes he can you guys know that for a fact." Calum said "come on just pick one live a little." You said "no I'm going to regret whatever I pick." Michael Said "come on I know you want to pick one it's just a game." You said "no he's going to embrass me I know it."

Then Louis said "come on love it won't be that bad live life at its fullest." You said "fine. Dare." Ashton smriked at you and said "I dare you too kiss Liam on the cheek." Liam was blushing and so were you, you had a crush on him so that's why Ashton did that you then went over to him and kissed his cheek. He smiled, and you smiled back then you said "now Liam I dare you to kiss me on the cheek." He did and said "how was that?" You said "perfect but you missed." He said "right here." And kissed your lips you smiled into the kiss and said "perfect."The boys said "get a room you two." You rolled you're eyes and then you guys contuide the game. Your brother wasn't pleased at first but then he was fine with it after.

Luke(age 17): you and the rest of 5SOS and your brother were all playing truth or dare then the door bell rang and it was the 1D boys you had the biggest smile on your face you hugged all of them, you hugged Harry a little longer than the others, then Luke cleared his throat ruining the moment,then you guys contuide the game it was Michael's turn he said "okay yn truth or dare." You said "truth." Michael asked "do you like anyone in this room?" You said "yeah all of you boys duh I love you guys." He said "not like that meaning do you want to date anyone in this room?" You blush knowing where he was going with this and said "no maybe I don't know." Luke said "who?" You whispered "no one." Luke said "what was that?" You said "harry I like Harry okay now moving on." Harry smiled and said "well I like you too." You smiled, and then you guys contuide the game. At the end of the night you and Harry ended up together luke was fine with it.

Michael( age 16): you were in you room, then there was a knock on your door you said "come in." And in walks in it's Niall you  smiled and said "hey." He said "hey the boys and I were wondering do you want to play truth or dare with us?" You said "sure even know I'll probably regret it but yolo." You walked downstairs with him and Niall starts and says "yn truth or dare?" You said "dare." He said "I dare you to go outside and scream go buy made in the am on iTunes and in stores." Michael said "she won't do that."You said "I will." You walked out your front door and screamed "GO BUY MADE IN THE AM ON ITUNES AND IN STORES SUCH AS TARGET AND WALMART!!!!" Then you came back in and Michael said "wow you will do anything the 1D boys tell you to do." You said "yup I'll do anything my idols tell me to do their my life." The 1D boys smiled at you and you smiled back at them then you guys contuide to play the game. The rest of the night was full of fun and laughter.

Calum(age 14): it was Calum's turn he said "yn truth or dare?" You said "truth." He said "do you have a crush on anyone?" You said "actually dare." He said "no you can't change now you have to answer now." You sighed and said "fine I have a crush on Louis there now moving on." Louis said "really?" You said "yeah." He smiled at you and you smiled back then you guys contuide to play the game and after calum asked you that question you choice him and he said dare and he had to run around outside in just his boxers which was very funny. You guys had a awesome night.

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