Imagine you're family friends with luke and he surprises you

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Your POV
I was on my computer trying to get in touch with my brother. He's not actually my brother but we've know each other our entire life. We use to do everything together but then he got famous I'm so happy for him and proud of him but I wish I could see him more then I do. I miss him so much I was missing him and the boys the most today because I had a so awful day today I failed a test I found out my friend was just using me to get close to Luke I didn't even tell her that I knew Luke so I don't know how she found out about that I got yelled at by a teacher because I didn't do my homework and to top it all off I got a ton of homework I was just done with everything all I wanted to do was cuddle with Luke or one of the others and rant to them and watch a movie and eat junk food but sadly their not here. I sighed listening to my music when all of a sudden there was a knock at my door I said "mom I'm fine can I just be alone gosh honestly I'm not in the mood I just want Luke and  the boys."

Then Luke walked in and I gasped he said "want to tell me what's wrong and why you have a attitude?" I ran over to him and hugged him he hugged me back and the others were with him I said "I missed you guys so much how long are you guys here for ?"They said "we missed you too and for a long time."

Then you ranted to them and ashton said "sounds like a shitty day to me love." I said "tell me about it I'm just done with everything like honestly I'm so happy you guys are here." Then you guys order food and watched a movie you were so happy they were back you also cuddled with Luke you day just got a whole lot better.

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