Imagine you meet the boys for the first time

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calum: you were at calum's and yours apartment and you were napping in your bed when you woke up calum was calling you downstairs you walked downstairs and your hair was a mess because you just woke up and you were wearing one of Calum's shirts today was a lazy day you walked into the livingroom and saw calum and the other boys you gasped and ran to the bathroom to fix your hair you quickly brushed your hair then you went back out and waved shly at the other boys and went over by calum, calum said "boys this is YN,Yn the boys." They all said hi to you and you said "hi boys huge fan love you guys." Michael said "so you're a fan? Who was your favorite before you start to date Calum?" you nodded and said "yeah before I met calum I was a HUGE fan and I still I'm that will never changed and I loved you all but I think I defently fell in love with calum the most but I support and love all you guys but Luke was definitely my cheat lane but I always went back to Calum." Calum smiled at you and hugged you you guys just talked and got to know each other the boys loved you and you thought you were dreaming but you weren't you were living your dream.

Ashton: Ashton was at the studio with the boys and afterwards they were coming to yours and Ashton's apartment you were upstairs cleaning your room and the rest of the apartment you were listen to Fly away it was blasting since you were the only one there you were singing at the top of your lungs then drag me down by one direction came on and you didn't hear the door open Ashton and the boys walked in and Ashton said "and this is my crazy but lovley girlfriend YN who is a big fan of one direction if you couldn't tell." You turned around and saw them and turned off the music and started blushing and said "hi guys huge fan of you guys to of course." They said hi and were looking you up and down you looked at your outfit and notice you were wearing short shorts and a crop top you said "I'll be right back opss I'm sorry boys even know you like what you see but I'm taken." Ashton said "back off boys she's mine." They mumbled sorrys and then you came back down and said "I'm so sorry guys you had to see that." Ashton said "I didn't mine what I saw." You rolled your eyes and the rest of the even you guys talked ashton was surprise that you talked to them right away and they loved you which was good.

Michael: you were heading to the studio with Michael you guys got there and you took a deep breath because this was the first time you were meeting the others Michael opened the door and you guys walked in and Michael said "guys this is YN,YN these are the boys." The boys said hi to you and you waved Ashton said "you're shy?" You nodded and whispered "and nervous." Luke said "there is nothing to be nervous about we heard a lot about you." You said "really wait what has he said?" Calum said "yeah Mikey over here never shuts up about you and all good things." You giggled and Michael blushed the rest of the day you guys talked and got to know eachother they loved you and you were happy you were with your dream guy.

Luke:Luke invited the boys over to watch the football(soccor) you walked into the livingroom to give them some snacks and calum said "you must be the lovley girl we heard so much about from Luke." You blushed and said "yeah that's me." Ashton said "well it's very nice to meet you why don't you come sit with us?" you said "okay." and sat next to luke and calum you hung out with them for the rest of the day they loved you and you were on cloud 9 and never wanted to come back down you were the happiest girl alive.

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