BSM You get hurt at school

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Ashton:(age:4): you were running around on the playground when you tripped over a rock and you scraped your knee you cried. The teacher came over and picked you up and brought you inside and put a bandage on your knee. Then you were fine, you went back to playing once school ended you ran to Ashton and the boys who were there he caught you and said "hey baby how was school?" You said "good I got a boo boo today." You pointed to your knee he said "awe poor baby want me to kiss it?" You nodded and he did then you guys headed home after that.

Calum:(age:5): you were running to him when school ended and you ended up falling and cutting your knee you cried and he picked you up and put a bandage on your knee and kissed he said "your ok princess all better now."You sniffles and said "thank you Calum." He said "no problem." Then you guys headed home where the others were and you spent the rest of the day with them.

Luke:(age:6): you got a paper cut on your finger and you went to the nurse and got a bandage on your finger. After school you ran to Luke who was there he said "how was school princess?" You said "good I got a paper cut on my finger." He said "you ok?" You said "yeah I'm fine." He said "want me to kiss it for you." You nodded he did and then you guys drove home after that.

Michael:(age:7): you were running outside with your friends when your Bully tripped you and you fell and hit your head you blacked out you woke up in a white room you were in the nurses office and they called your brother to come get you. Your brother arrived and he carried you to the car he said "what happened?" You said "my bully tripped me." He said "how's your head now?" You said "it hurts." He said "I'll get you ice when you get home I'll make it all better." You nodded you got home and he took care of you.

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