Bsm you have to have blood taken

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Luke:(age:12): you hate having your blood take but you had to since you were really sick Luke and the boys took you there you got there and waited to be called back once you were they all headed back with you and you were freaking out so Luke took you and put you on his lap he said "I got you don't worry it'll be ok just look at the boys and me." You looked at them the whole time they were making faces at you and making you laugh you didn't even notice they put the needle in you until they were done after that you guys headed home so you could rest since you were not feeling well at all.

Calum:(age:13): you were giving blood to your friend who needed it so the good friend you were you were facing your fear and doing this for her you guys got there and waited then when they called you to go back you were frozen in your seat Calum picked you up knowing you wouldn't move he placed you on his lap and said "you'll be fine just talk to me the whole time and Luke." You wanted Luke there too so he was there too the boys just talked to you and you didn't even notice they were doing it until after it was done you weren't feeling well after they gave you water and then you were fine after that for the rest of the day you just hung out with the boys.

Ashton:(age:14): you had to get blood taken cause you had sex with a boy and you might be pregnant but you didn't dare to tell Ashton that but anyways you were going to see if it was true you got there and waited to get called back once they did Ashton came with you. You sat on his lap cause you hated doing this. Ashton and you just talked and he distracted you the whole time once they were done you guys left and hungout with the boys for the rest of the day you prayed that the results came back negative.

Michael:(age:15): you had to give blood to Michael cause he needed it he got in a car accident and he lost a lot and you were a match for him so you did this for him Luke was with you since you couldn't do this alone you sat on his lap and closed your eyes and they did it once they were done you guys headed back out and Luke said "that was so brave of you." You said "I'll do anything for my brother." Then you guys waited and once they gave it to Michael you guys could go in and you ran over to him and he hugged you and said "thanks sis for saving my life." You smiled and said "no problem I'll do anything for you." Then you spent the day with him until he could go home which was later that night.

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