Imagine him and the boys surprise you at your college graduating

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Luke: you were excited to graduation college you really wanted Luke and the boys here on your special day but they had a interview and didn't know if they were going to make it you sat in your seat and then headed on stage to say your speech you saw the boys and Luke walk in right at the moment you gasped and then continued with a huge smile on your face the whole day then you got your diploma and went back to your seat after that you ran to Luke and kissed his lips he said "I'm so proud of you baby." You said "thank you I'm so happy you guys made it." He said "we wouldn't have missed this for anything." You smiled so happy to have them here with you on your special day you couldn't have been happier today.

Ashton: you were hoping Ashton could make it today but he didn't know if he could cause his flight got delayed you sighed but understood even know you really wanted him here and the boys. You got up on stage to say your speech that you wrote when you were about the read it you gasped into the micaphone as you saw Ashton and the boys walked in you couldn't stop smiling and you said your speech after that you got off the stage and waited to be called up to reserve your diplom after that it was over you ran over to Ashton and he caught you and said "I'm so proud of you baby." You said "thank you." And kissed his lips and said "I'm so happy you guys could make it." You hugged the others and they said "we wouldn't miss this for anything." You smiled you were so happy to have them in your life.

Calum:you looked out into the crowd and saw your family crystal and serria you sighed when you didn't see the boys crystal gave you a sad smile and mouthed to you they'll be here Don't worry they wouldn't miss this for anything. You nodded knowing she was right then you guys headed out and then it was time to get diplomas you went up and looked into the crowd and saw the boys and Calum you screamed and ran back to your seat then once you were done you ran to them and Calum caught you in a hug and said "you did it baby I'm so proud of you." He peaked your lips You said "I'm so happy you guys made it." You hugged the others and said "we would never miss this in a million years this was the biggest achievement of your life so far we could never miss this." You were so happy to have these boys in your life you could always count on them.

Michael: serria was backstage with you during your graduation cause you were having a panic attack and sweating like crazy you were so nervous you didn't know if you could go on stage you stayed back there for a while in hopes that Michael and the boys would show up cause you didn't want them miss your graduation or you to miss it either then your knights in shining armors came to the rescue you hugged Michael tight he said "you're going to be fine babe go make me proud and graduate I'm here now we're here you're ok just breath you got this." You nodded and then they headed to their seats but not without Michael giving you a peak for good luck then you went out on stag and said your speech perfectly you were so happy that the boys made it and Michael made it you got your diploma and then ran to them and said "I did it!!!" Michael said "I told you that you would." You smiled and peaked his lips you were so happy to have them here.

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