Imagine he gets you a puppy

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Ashton: you really wanted a puppy you were looking at them online you found one that you really wanted you've been looking at it for months and today someone took it. You were upset little did you know that someone was Ashton, Ashton came home and came up to the two of yours room. He said "hey babe." And kissed your cheek you said "hey." He said "why so down?" You said "someone took the puppy I wanted." He said "aw I'm sorry babe but look in this box this will cheer you up." You took off the lid on the box and saw the puppy you wanted you gasped you had a huge smile on your face you tackled Ashton in a hug and said "thank you so much." He said "no problem babe." You took the puppy out of the box Ashton said "what are you going to name her?" You said "how about Chloe?" Ashton said "I like it." You smiled and said "welcome to your new home Chloe." You were so happy she was adorable and you loved her.

Calum: you really wanted a puppy and so did Calum you were online looking at puppies little did you know that Calum was going to get you a puppy. He came back and placed the puppy on your bed you gasped and said "oh my gosh thank you Calum." You hugged him and peaked his lips he said "no problem babe." You asked "what is it?" Calum said "it's a boy." You said "awe let's name him Louis." Calum said "I like that name and I knew you would pick one of the 1D boys names." You giggled and said "you know me so well." You guys spent the rest of the day with your puppy. You were so happy you loved him.

Luke: you and Luke went to the pet store you really wanted to buy a puppy Luke told you to go get stuff for a puppy you were confuse but went to buy everything. You went back to find Luke and you found him with a puppy you gasped and he handed you the puppy you hugged Luke and said "thank you so much your the best." He said "anything for you what are you going to name her?" You said "Sophia." He said "I like that name."

Then you guys headed home and spent the rest of the day with your new puppy. You were so happy.

Michael: you were still asleep in yours and Michael's bed you really wanted a puppy so it could keep you confront when Michael goes on tour. Little did you know he was getting one right now, he came back with the puppy and put it next to you the puppy licked your face you giggled and slowly opened your eyes and saw a puppy you gasped and tackled Michael you said "thank you so much." He said "no problem babe what are you going to name her?" You said "I'm going to name her rose." He said "I like that name."

Then the rest of the day you guys shopped for the puppy and spent the rest of the day with the puppy you loved her already you were so happy.

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