Imagine you get sugery

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Luke: you were getting your appendix taken out but you didn't tell Luke Because you didn't want to worry him cause he was on tour but of course word got out that you were in the hospital and Luke found out he walked in with the boys you were greatful that he was here because you needed him and wanted him right now but you said "what about tour?" He said "we'll go back when your out of here which will be tomorrow." You said "what about the fans?" Calum said "they understand plus it won't be that long." You said "what about management?" Michael said "yn you worry way to much about us and other people their fine with it we just need to know you're ok that's all we're worried about right now we don't care what other people are thinking right now you need us and that's why we're here."You said "ok I'm thankful you guys are here cause I was flipping out on the inside a little wanting you Luke I didn't tell you cause I didn't want you to worry you guys while you guys where on tour." He said "babe I'll always worry about you I love you and we'll be out here when you come back from sugary don't worry you'll be fine." You nodded your head and he kissed your forehead and then you were off to the room to get it done when you woke up Luke was on the bed next to you, you smiled happy that you found someone who really truly cares about you.

Ashton:you had to get major heart surgery you were so scared and you just wanted Ashton but knew he was on tour. You didn't want to take him away from that or the fans but surprise he came to your rescue once again him and the boys came to the rescue you smiled and said "ash I'm so scared right now I can't do this."He climbed into the bed with you and hugged you and kissed your head he said "I'll be here for you through it all you're not going through this alone and you can do this your strong." You said "ok I don't think I would be able to do this alone." He stayed there until the doctor came in and took you away that's when you started panicking and said "ash." He said "baby you'll be ok I love you we'll be here when you come out don't worry everything will be ok I love you so much." He kissed your head and you let go of his hand and you were off to the sugary room. When you woke up Ashton was right in the bed with you, you snuggled closer to him not wanting him to ever let you go you were so thankful for him the boys.

Calum: you fell down the stairs and cut open your keen really bad all you wanted was Calum but he was on tour but he somehow got there when you needed him the most you were so greatful as they stitched up your knee you cried the whole time while you were on Calum's lap he made you look away he kept saying sweet things to you and he told you funny stories about what happened on tour so far to keep you distracted. Once they were done you stayed with him and he took care of you the whole day with the others too you were so happy you found the perfect guy but you still don't know how you managed too.

Michael: A couple of so call fans ganged up on you and beat the living shit out of you and you needed sugary on your arm now cause they did a lot of damage to it once Michael heard about it him and the boys were right by your side he stayed with you until you had to go in when you went in Michael waited until you came out then he stayed with you once you did and he never left your side you were so greatful for him and the boys you were so happy to have found the perfect guy for you you never thought you would and you finally did.

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