Imagine he surprise you with harry styles concert and you get to meet him

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Luke: today was your 1 year anniversary so he wanted to make it special for you, you wanted to make it special for him so in the morning you made him breakfast in bed and you got him a new guitar that you've been working hard for to give to him you walked upstairs to you guys shared bedroom and he was just getting up he smiled when he saw what you've done for him he said "awe thanks babe." And kissed your lips you smiled and said "happy anniversary baby." And gave him the guitar he said "awe darling you did not have to do this for me." You said "this is how much I love you of course I'm going to do this for you." He was so happy he hugged you and kissed you a bunch of times you giggled then he handed you a card he said "don't worry there's something inside the card." You opened the card on the front of the card it was you and your harry styles cutout you laughed and then opened it and read it out loud it said "Dear my lovely yn I know you love me a lot and I do too that's why I did this for you plus he's a friend of mine who I haven't seen in a long Time and it'll be nice to see him again this is how much I love you I hope you love them I know you will. Love your amazing boyfriend Luke." You saw he got you harry styles tickets and backstage passes you screamed and tackled Luke and said "thank you so much I love you so much." He said "no problem there's one more thing get dress." You got dress and then headed downstairs and Luke was there with someone it was Anne you gasped she said "hi darling we're going to spend the day together before the concert of course Luke will come with you too." You smile so big and hugged her and then Luke and said "this is the best gift ever." He said "I knew you would love it." You were the most happiest girl alive and you loved every moment of the day you couldn't have wish for anything better than that.

Calum: He was driving you some where but he wouldn't tell you cause he wanted to surprise you then he got you out of the car and you still had your eyes close you said "can I open them now." He said "in a second." Then he stopped walking and so did you and he said "now open them." You were face to face with harry styles and his mom you gasped and backed looked at Calum he was smiling at you and you hugged Calum and said "thank you for this." He said "no problem." You kissed his cheek and then headed over to harry and said hi to him and his mom you were so happy and Calum also got you front row tickets to Harry's show you were so happy that was he best night of your life you loved it and couldn't ask for a better boyfriend to spend it with.

Ashton: you were taking a nap when you felt someone next to you thinking it was Ashton you cuddled into him then you heard someone clear their throat you opened your eyes and saw Ashton you frowned your eyebrows and turned around coming face to face with harry styles you screamed and fell off the bed they laughed at you and you hugged harry and he handed you something you gasped and said "no way!!!!" They were front row tickets to his show you were bring your friend and Ashton of course Harry drove you guys there this was the best night of your life you hugged Ashton and said "thank you." He said "no problem babe anything for you." You smiled you were the most happiest girl in the world right now.

Michael: you were upset cause you couldn't see harry so you locked your self in your room you heard a knock and said "go away mom I'm not in the mood." The person said "first off I'm not a women or your mother but I Guess you don't want to see your idol and the love of your life."you ran to the door recognizing that voice in a heartbeat and opened it and saw harry and gasped you hugged him not wanting to let go then you finally let go after 10 minutes he handed you passes and front row tickets you screamed you were so happy you hugged him and Michael and said "thank you so much for this." He said "anything to make you happy." You were so happy and you had the best night of your life you were so happy.

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