BSM: You fall off a chair

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Luke:(age:12): You were rocking back and froth on a chair which you shouldn't have been doing in the first place and your brother told you that so did the boys and your other brothers too. You kept doing that then you went to far and  tipped the chair over you landed on the ground with a huge crash your brother and the boys ran into the kitchen Luke said "how many times did I tell you not to do that and this would happen?" You said "alot." He said "are you ok? next time listen to me." You said "yeah I'm fine and next time I will but there won't be a next time cause I'm not doing that ever again." He said "good." Then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:13): you were standing on the chair trying to get food when you lost your balance and fell hard to the floor you groaned as you laid on the floor the boys came in and Ashton said "are you ok? what happened?" You said "I fell off the chair while trying to get food. but I'm fine." Ashton said "next time ask for help ok?" You said "yeah I will." Then you guys went to watch TV.

Michael:(age:14): You were dancing on a chair which wasn't the smartest idea on your part, then of course you fell off but some how manged to land on your feet you said "I almost died boys but I didn't."Michael and the boys walked in and said "what did you do?" You said "I fell off the chair but some how landed on my feet I'm a cat." Michael chuckled and said "that's why you don't dance on a chairs you dummy." You said "yeah yeah yeah I know."

Calum:(age:15): You were in class leaning on you chair when your ex walked in and when you saw him you fell off the chair and screamed everyone laughed at you, you left quickly since the bell rung already and went straight to calum's car you said "just drive." He said "What happened?" You said "I fell off my chair in front of everyone because of my stupid ex." He said "are you ok?" You said "yeah just embrasses that's all." He said "they'll forget about it." You said "hopefully they will."

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