BSM your boyfriend uses you to get to your friend

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Luke:(age:16): you were dating this guy but he didn't seem interested in you at all he only seemed interested in your friend so you asked him one day "ybn do you like yfn?" He said "yeah I do I just used you to get close to her." Your friend stared at him with disbelief she said "yn I don't want him he's all yours." He said "well I don't want her I want you." You said "you two are welcome to date but remember my brother will murder you when I tell him what you did to me and same with his friends." He went pale and ran towards you and grabbed your arm and said "yn you don't need to tell him." You pulled away and said "oh yes I do have fun dating my ex friend." Your friend was going to say something but you were already out the door going to Luke's car you jumped in he noticed you were upset he said "what's wrong?" You said "I'll tell you when we get home please tell me the boys are there?" He said "yeah they're there." You said "good." You Guys arrived home and you told the boys plus your brother what happened and they were livid and they just hugged you as you cried and you said "I feel so used why would he do that to me." Luke said "because he's a idot that's why." Then you guys watched movies the rest of the day.

Calum:(age:17): you were at a party with your brother and the rest of the band they were performing there it was their turn and you brought your boyfriend and your friend was there and he was with her all night the boys notice this too and you walked over to him and said "I'm still here." He said "yeah I don't know why because I got what I want and I don't want you so bye." You were shocked you said "fine have fun getting the shit beating out of you by my brother and his friends you guys work perfect together knew she wanted you all along." Your ex friend said "yn I didn't want him he used you to get to me." You said "well he can have you now have fun but don't talk to me ever again." Then you walked over to your brother and the others and asked them "hey can you take me home I don't want to be here anymore or do you guys have to perform again?" Calum said "no we're done for the night but yeah we can leave but I thought you said you're going home with ybn?" You just broke down right there Calum hugged you tightly and said "hey what's wrong what happened?" You said "yebn just used me to get to yfn he never really liked me." Calum tensed up and said "I'll be back."

Then he walked over to yebn and yefn and said "you both should be a shamed of yourself you don't treat anyone like that especially when you said you were her friend?!?! Hell friends don't do this to other friends you guys are idiots you guys lost your self a amaizng girl have a good life dick and bitch hope karma gets the both of you and I better never ever see either of you near her ever again or at any of my shows or any where near us." Then you guys left the boys came with you guys you said "thanks cal for that." He said "no problem no one messed with my sister." You smiled happy to have him as your brother.

Michael:(age:18): now people should know not to mess with you because they should know your brother will murder them if they hurt you but I guess this guy didn't know that cause he was your boyfriend or that's what you thought turns out he was only using you to get close to your friend and then he started dating her instead and she went with it to that friendship was over you went home in tears Michael saw you and you ran over to him and he hugged you and said "what happened?" You said "yebn just used me to get yefn." He hugged you tightly and said "you don't need them you have me and the boys." The boys nodded you guys just watched movies the rest of the day you were happy to have a brother like Michael and you were happy to have the boys in your life.

Ashton:(age:19): you were dating this guy and he was all over your roommate you said "um excuse me I'm here." He said "I don't know why because she's my girlfriend not you I never liked you and I just used you to get to her." You were shocked and you just left them without saying a word you took a flight to Dallas cause that's where your brother was and of course you packed a bag and when you got there you called your brother to come and get you he came and got you and you just cried he said "what happened?" You said "my ex boyfriend used me for my ex friend but she's my roommate so I can't ditch Her." He hugged you and said "I'll talk to the school and see if you can get a single ok you don't deserve people like them in your life your staying with me and the boys for the rest of the tour." You said "thank you I was hopping you would say that." He chuckle and said "your welcome sis anything for you." You were so happy to have a brother like him.

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