Imagine you interview him and the boys

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Luke: you work at a radio station and your boss came in and said "okay don't freak out but your interviewing 5 seconds of summer." Your eyes went wide and you smiled and said "okay thats great." Then your boss left and you said "oh no." You started panicing Luke knew you worked with a radio station but he knew that one day you would interview him and the boys and that day is today.One of the other people that works with you brought them in you said "hi boys." They said "hi YN." you said "please don't let me lose my job I love this job." Michael said "now why would we make you lose your job?" Smirking at you you said "because your going to say inaporite stuff or say stuff I don't want you to say." They laughed and you sighed and said "this is going to be a long interview." You went on to the radio and said "hey you guys this is 94.4 I'm YN and today we are lucky to have the 5 seconds of summer boys how are you boys?" They said "hi and we're good." You asked them a bunch a question and then fans called in the ask them question and one fan said "Luke what is like getting interviewed by your girlfriend?" He laughed and you blushed madly and Michael said "so the viewers know what's happening in here YN is blushing right now." You blushed even harder and glare at Michael, Luke says "it's lovley getting inteviewed by my beautiful Girlfriend I couldn't ask for anyone better I'm very happy." You smiled at him after the interview you and the boys got lunch and hung out the rest of the day.

Calum: you were a talk show host now and today 5 seconds of summer were going to be on the show and you were panicing backstage people knew you and calum are dating and that's why they chose you to be the person today. You go out on stage and say everything then you say "and today we have the biggest band on the planet at the moment here is 5 seconds of summer." They walked out and you hugged each of them and calum whispered in your ear "you look sexy while you work." You blushed madly and then asked them a couple a questions then it was the audience turn to ask questions one girl asked "I know you were a fan before you started dating calum who was your favorite then?" The boys looked at you and the crowd ooed you started blushing and you said "all of them I didn't have a favorite and I'm still a fan." Then the fan said "who was your soft spot." The boys smirked at you and you said "okay moving on to the next one." The fan said "not until you answer mine first." You said "I already did I said all of them." She said "you didn't answer my second one." She crossed her arms and smirked at you, you glared at her Calum said "come on I won't be mad." You sighed and bit your lip and whispered "Luke." Michael said "what did you say?" You said "luke okay now moving on to the other questions enough about me." Luke smirked at you and you rolled your eyes after the interview luke said "I knew you liked me." you said "it was between you and calum and I chose Calum actually he chose me." You walked over to calum and he said "back off hemmings she's mine now." You giggled at luke because he was pouting.

Michael: You are a interviewer and today your boss said you were interviewing 5SOS and you knew that they would embarrass you in front of millions of people. It was time to interview them you said "hey boys how are you guys doing today?" They said "hey YN we're good how are you?" you said "good." You asked them a couple a questions then you moved on to the fan question one said "Michael what is it like dating a fan?" Michael said "it's amazing because she's amazing and the right person for me she not that crazy but when there are rumors about us we always joke with her saying they are true then she said their not and stomps up to our bedroom and doesn't talk to me for a while." The fans awed and You blushed and said "michael." He smiled at you and said "you know I love you." You said "yeah yeah." The boys laughed.

Ashton: you were interviewing them for J14 they walked in and you said "hey boys." They said "hey YN." Then you started asking them questions and then it was time for the fan questions and their were winners of a contest there to ask them a couple a question the first one was "this one is for you?" She pointed to me and you said "okay go for it." She said "who did you use to spam the most on twitter before you and Ash started dating?" The boys looked at you and You said "to be completly honest I didn't spam them that much I mostly spamed Harry styles I'm not even lying about that he was my first love before Ashton." The boys laughed and Ashton said "she would she's crazy about him till this day." You blushed madly.

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