BSM you run away

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Luke:(age:12): you missed Luke a lot and your home life wasn't the best and neither was your school life. You got bullied in school and it got so bad today that you left school early and ran home then your mom was there so you got in trouble for leaving school early. So you packed a bag and got a plane ticket to America where Luke was you ran out of the house and got a cab and headed to the airport. You got on the plane once you got off you had called crystal because she was with them and you loved her and didn't really want to deal with the boys lecturing you just yet you saw her and ran to her she hugged you tightly and said "why are you here?" You were crying and said "because of the bullies and my parents I couldn't handle them anymore it's all to much I just need to get away from them and I needed Luke." She said "oh baby let's get you to his house yeah?" You nodded then headed to house were your brother and the boys were crystal walked in first then you luke said "yn what are you doing here?" He hugged you and you just started crying he said "hey what's wrong?"You said "I can't handle Australia anymore our mom hates me and the people at school hate me so that's why I came here I want to live here instead of there I want to be with you not mom and dad anymore." He said "wait does mom know your here?" You said "no I ran away." Luke said "darling you can't do that do you know how worry she must be?" You said "she probably doesn't care but if it makes you feel better I'll call her." He said "good right now." You called your mom and told her you were safe and she said that you could stay with Luke cause she's done with you and you said "You're stuck with me now mom doesn't want me back ever she said that I'm not a good child like you or Ben and jack." He sighed and said "you're staying with me she can't treat you like that." You smiled happy to have your big brother with you and there for you.

Calum:(age:13): you and your parents got in a huge fight cause you've been acting out because you just wanted your brother but he was in la you couldn't see him so you decided to go to his house in la you got a plane ticket and packed a bag and didn't even tell your parents. You took a cab to the airport and wait for your plane once it was called you headed on to the plane when you arrived mail was there to get you she said "mom and dad let you come here?" You said "no I ran away don't tell them." She said "yn you know how dangerous this is what if you got hurt or even wrose!?!?" You said "I'm fine I'm with you now just take me to Calum gosh." She drove you to Calum's house all the boys were there plus the 1D Boys mail stopped the car you got out and ran inside to Calum he hugged you and said "what are you doing here and does mom and dad know your here?" You said "no I don't want them to know they'll kill me I ran away cause me and them got in a huge fight so I'm not speaking to them right now." He said "fine I'll call them and tell them your safe." He called them and told them you were safe they said that you can stay with him for a while they need a break from you so Calum was fine with taking you.

Ashton:(age:14): you've gotten yourself into some trouble lately you've been sending nudes to this boy and he leaked them and now your life is hell all you wanted was your brother but he was in la so you took a plane there without tell your mom cause you didn't want her to lecture you but you knew the boys and Ashton would too. You got a plane ticket and headed there and you packed a bag of course you got there and mail picked you up and said "what did you do now?" You said "I sent nudes to this guy who leaked them online." Mail said "I know I saw and so did the boys and their not happy about it." You said "ugh now I'm going to get a lecture from them." You guys headed to the car and then headed to Ashton's house you walked in and Ashton said "I know why you're here because of the pictures and you don't want mom lecturing so you ran to me thinking it would be easier well you were wrong about that you're grounded until I un ground you and I'm calling mom and telling her you're here so she doesn't worry about you damn it yn how stupid do you think I'm now go to your room and don't come out until I say so." You went to your room and you were up there until dinner you also got a lecture from your mom and she told you to stay with Ashton for a while until she cools down she even said maybe forever which you were fine with and so was Ashton but you learned your lesson to never do that again.

Michael:(age:15): you got in a fight with a girl in school because she was bashing your brother and his girlfriend so of course you weren't going to stand for that after that you ran out of the school and ran all the way home packed a bag printed a plane ticket got on a plane and headed to la where Michael was you got there and crystal picked you up and asked "thank you for defending me but you know how much trouble you're in now!!!" You said "I know I had to get away I didn't feel like getting lecture even know Michael is going to do the same because the video is all over social media." Crystal said "I know I saw." You guys drove to Michael's house you walked in and Michael said "I appreciate you defending me and my girlfriend but getting into a fight really I can't believe you did that!!! And then running away I'm calling mom and telling her your here with me and your grounded but next time you defend me and my girl no physical ok?" You said "yeah got it." You went up to your room and your mom wasn't happy you ran away but told you to stay there for your 4 days suspension that you got you were ok with that but you were stuck in your room the whole time great note the sarcasm.

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