BSM: You do something dangerous

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Luke:(age:12): You weren't the type of person to run away but your mom was annoying you and all you wanted was your brother so you took a small suitcase and a plane ticket to LA where he was at the moment and flew there without telling anyone. You arrived and got a lyft and headed to Luke's house you knocked on the door and crystal got it and was surprised to see you and asked "what are you doing here all alone?" You said " I ran away cause my mom was annoying me." Luke walked in and sighed in relief and said "mom is so worried about you, you know how dangerous this was?" You said "I'm sorry she was getting on my nerves I didn't know what else to do." He said "I'm calling mom and tell her you're safe then your heading home ok?" You nodded he called your mom telling her you were safe and that you were heading home now you never did that again cause you got grounded for life.

Calum:(age:13):You snuck out to go to a party without telling your brother you got to the party and of course the one direction boys were there and said "what are you doing here?" You said "I snuck out." They said "you know how dangerous that is?" You said "yeah I do." Then they took you home when you got home you walked into your brother worrying and the others looking worried too you said "guys I'm fine I'm not injured in anyway." Calum said "yn that was so dangerous of you you know anything could have happened to you." You said "well nothing did and the one direction boys were with me that's how I got home so I was safe." Calum said "never do that again your grounded for a week." You said "ok I won't do that again I'm sorry."You went to your room for the rest of the night.

Ashton:(age:14): you were walking home from school when you decided to jay walk Ashton saw this and said "that was so dangerous you could have gotten killed." You said "I'm fine I'm sorry I won't do it again." He said "good I never want to see you doing that again."Then you guys headed home and you did your homework then hung out with him and the boys.

Michael:(age:15): you were smoking cause you were super stress cause your brother wasn't here and because your parents were putting to much pressure on you so you turned to this and while you were doing this you brother caught you and put it out and said "this is so dangerous why do this I never want to see you doing that ever again." You said "I'm sorry I was stressed." He said "well this isn't the answer your grounded." You went to your room and you never did that again you did quiet which was a good thing.

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