BSM:Secerity won't let you backstage

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Luke:(age:12): You were going to surprise luke and the only person who knew you were coming was ashton because you needed to tell at less one of them that's what your mom told you to do you got to the venue and got to the secerity graud and said "hi I'm luke's sister ashton probably told you I was coming to surprise him."The secerity graud said "do you have a pass to get in?" You said "no I legit just got off a plane and just got here so of course I wouldn't have one." He said "then you can't go in nice try go somewhere else." Then Crystal came behind you she picked you up from the airport Crystal said "really she's tring to see her brother and you won't let her that's messed up she is his sister now please let us both in." They opened the door you said "thank you crystal I'm telling Luke about that." She said "no problem and you should." You walked into the dressing room with her luke jumped up and ran over to you and picked you up and hugged you he said "what are you doing here?" You said "I came to surprise you I would have been here a lot sooner but the security graud wouldn't let me in." Crystal said "all because she didn't have a pass like I understand that but she even said you are her brother and they didn't believe her." Luke said "I'll talk to them about that I'm just glad you're here." You smiled and said "I'm too."

Ashton:(age:13): You were going to talk to the fans and your friend who was at the concert you were chilling with them the whole concert once the concert was over you said bye to your friend and the fans and headed backstage security stopped you and you said "serousily I've been with you guys all night and now you won't let me backstage I'm ashton's sister and you guys know that." They laughed and said "yeah right nice try your not getting back there." Then Sierra came over and said "guys she's with us let her pass." They finally let you pass and she said "their dumb sometimes." You said "you think I'm telling ashton." You walked over to the boys and ashton said "what took you so long to get back here?" You said "security wouldn't let me back even know I was with them all night and I would have thought they would know I'm your sister but I guess they didn't." He said "I'll talk to them to remind them that you're my sister." You said "thanks." He said "no problem sis." Then you guys headed to the tour bus.

Calum:(age:14):you were at your brother's show you were heading backstage with your family but security stopped you and you said "really I'm with my family why did you stop me?" He said "your not his sister he only has one sister." Mail kalo said "she is his sister and my sister leave her alone and let her past don't think she won't be telling calum about this." Then they let you past and you went over to calum and said "sercerity thought I wasn't your sister they said it to my face even know I was with our family." He said "I told them I have two sister's I guess they forgot but I'll talk to them." you said "thanks bro." He said "no problem." Then you guys enjoy the concert.

Michael:(age:15): You were heading to your brother's concert with your friends you got to the back of the arean and told security who you were and they just laughed right in your face they said "yeah right go wait in line like all the others." you were about to say something when Ashton opened the door he said"dudes that's Michael's sister and her friends next time check with us before you send them away." The security apologized and you walked in with your friends and you said "thank you ash." He said "no problem." He told michael what happened and said he would tell security that your his sister then you guys enjoyed the concert the rest of the night.

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