Imagine how you two met

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Luke: you and your friend got VIP tickets to see your all time favorite band 5SOS aka 5 seconds of summer. Once you got to the Arean you guys headed backstage and a couple mintues later your idols your everything walked out you couldn't breath then you guys talked for a bit you don't even know how you got words out and you notice that luke didn't say much you walk over to him and say "why so quiet you're usually a chatter box." He chuckled and said "you're just the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life." You blushed and said "I'm YN if you wanted to know my name which you most likely did." He said "nice to meet you would you want to go get something to eat tomorrow?" You said "I would love too." He smiled and handed you his number he said "I'll pick you up at 6?" You said "sounds good." He smiled and you and your friends headed to your seats  and said "what was that?" You said "nothing."the whole concert luke was looking at you. That was a start of a beautiful relationship.

Calum: you were working at Starbucks in la no one was there at the moment so you were on your phone on your 5SOS account people were saying that 5sos was in la near where you were working then people came in you looked up from you phone and saw 5SOS you gasped and legit dropped your phone and you quickly said with a smile "hi how may I help you." Calum said "well we'll all Ice coffee please and I would like to know your name." He smiled at you and You smiled and said "coming right up and it's YN." He smiled at you and said "well YN you are beautiful when do you get off of work?" You handed them their coffees and you said "at 4." He said "want to go to dinner with me at 6?" You said "I would love too." He said "great pick you up then." He handed you the money a pice of paper that has his number on it. That was a start of a amazing relationship.

Michael: you were at the mall and you saw a boy kept checking you out you turned around and realized it was Michael Gordon clifford. You gasped and he smiled at you and started walking over and said "hi." You said "h-hi." He said "a fan?" You said "y-yeah." He smiled and said "well I was wondering would you like to go to a movie with me?" You said "yeah sure." You guys talked the whole way as you guys walked to the movies once you got there he held your hand because you were scared of the movie. After that he said "I had a great time give me a call sometime." And handed you a pice of paper you smile and said "I did too and I will." He winked at you and went back with the other boys that was a start of a beautiful relationship.

Ashton: you just moved to Sydney Australia and you didn't know that you were neighbors with the ashton Irwin and his family. You were walking around your neighborhood checking it out when ashton came up to you and said "hi I'm ashton." You said "Hi I'm YN it's nice to meet you." And he gave you a hug and so did you He said "it's nice to meet you to YN are you new here?" You said "yeah." He said "you must be my new neighbor." You said "yeah I'm." He said "well would you like me to show you around?" You said "yeah sure." He then showed you the neighborhood and town you guys stopped at a Starbucks and he asked "so I was wondering are you free tomorrow night?" You said "yeah I'm." He said "great because my band and I have a concert and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" You said "I would love too." He said "great I'll pick you up at 2p.m.." He gave you his number and then he walked you back to your house and that was a start if a beautiful relationship.

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