Bsm the boys and him crash your slumber party

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Luke:(age:12): you and your friend were having a sleepover blasting music right now you guys were blasting youngblood when you heard laughing you turned around and your friends screamed you said "Guys was that really necessary?" They said "um yeah our idols are right there in front of us." You said "true I'm so use to them that it doesn't phase me at all." Luke said "I'm her brother if you girls didn't know." They said "no we didn't but we see why she didn't tell us." You said "yeah what's up boys?" They said "we got food if you want to come and join us?" We said "hell yeah let's go." Ashton said "hey don't swear." You rolled your eyes and said "come on your the one to talk." He rolled his eyes then you guys ate and hung out with them for the rest of the night.

Calum:(age:13): you were on the prouch twerking when the boys walked in Calum said "sis never do that again In your life I'm pretty sure I'm scarred now." You said "no promises and you'll live what's up boys." They said "we were wondering if you guys want to come see a movie with us?" Your friends said "Yas we would love too of course is that even a question." You guys watched a scary movie and it freaked you girls out so you girls stayed with them the rest of the night let's just say you guys got no sleep that night and you fell asleep on calum's lap.

Ashton:(age:14):you guys were board out of your minds that's until the boys came in and said "want to come with us to the movies?" You said "yeah cause we're borded and couldn't think of anything else to do." You guys headed to the movies and then hung out with them the rest of the night cause you guys had nothing better to do and you guys loved hangout with the boys cause they are so much fun to hangout with and they are always the life of the party.

Michael:(age:15): a couple of your friends were prank calling people and you guys were having fun then the boys came in and you guys decided to play truth or dare it was so much fun they love you girls then you guys also watched movies the rest of the night which you guys enjoyed you ended up falling asleep on Michael's Lap. You guys had so much fun with the boys.

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