Imagine you wear a crop top and they don't approve

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Luke: you were heading out to the club with the boys you put on shorts and a crop top you walked downstairs and Luke said "turn around cause you're not going out in that go change." You said "I figured you would say that." You turned around and changed your shirt you walked back down and Luke said "much better." You just smiled and rolled your eyes then you guys were off to the club.

Ashton: you were wearing a crop top heading out with your friends and Ashton said "not so fast there missy go change you're not wearing that shirt." You sighed and went back upstairs and changed your shirt and you said "better or not enough skin." He glared at you and said "much better have fun sassy one." Then you were off to the mall with your friends for the day.

Calum: you were heading out with the boys to a party you walked downstairs and Calum looked at you and up and down you just turned around and went back upstairs and changed your shirt you walked back down and he said "much better." Then you guys were off to the party.

Michael: you were heading to their concert you were wearing a crop top. You walked downstairs and you didn't even get half way down before the boys saw and gave you a look and you walked back upstairs and changed your shirt and Michael said "you know us to well." You said "yes yes I do." Then you guys were off to their concert.

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