Imagine your in the hospital and he doesn't know then he finds out

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Luke: you had a really bad case of the flu and you ended up in the hospital and you told your friends and your parents not to tell Luke cause he would want to come and be with you the whole time and he had work to do and he was on tour you didn't want the fans to hate you because you took Luke away from them because your sick you tweeted to the fans that knew and told them not to tell Luke but some how word got out that you were in the hospital and the media found out and then that's when you got a phone call from a worried Luke you sighed and said "hi babe." He said "Please tell me what I've been seeing on twitter isn't true your not in the hospital right you would have told me if you were right?" You sighed and said "yeah I'm I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry while your on tour and I thought the fans would hate me for taking you away from them." He sighed and said "baby I always worry about you and the fans wouldn't hate you they understand you come before them me and the boys are on our way now." You said "ok see you soon." Once him and the boys arrived he ran over to you and hugged you tightly and said "are you ok? what happened?" You said "I'm fine just a bad case of the flu that's all I'll be out in like a week." He said "I'll be here with you during this time." You shook your head and said "no you have to be with the boys don't stop what your doing just because I'm sick." He said "baby I love you and want to be here for you the fans would understand and so would the boys." Michael said "yeah YN if crystal was in this situation I would be acting the same way Luke is." You said "but the fans are going to hate me cause I'm taking you away from them." Ashton said "love the fans love you to pieces and they understand that you are Luke's number one girl and you come before them."

Then you heard someone said "yeah YN we could never hate you we understand you need Luke right now more then we do and I'm sorry if this seems creepy my grandfather is in here so that's how I got in but we understand you need him more than we do right now." You said "but what about mangement." Calum said "we already explained to them what was happening everything is taken care of." Luke climbed in next to you and wrapped his arms around you and you said "luke you're going to get sick." He said "I don't care I'd rather it be me here then you and I'm not leaving you until your 100% better." You smiled happy to have someone care abut you that much.

Calum: You were in the middle of class when your apendicite erupted and you fell to the ground your friend got the nurse and they called 911 and a ambulance came and took you to the hospital  you said to your friend that was with you "I want calum but I don't want him to worry so don't tell him about this he can't know cause he's on tour and I don't want him to stop everything for me or the boys." Your friend said "this is going to be every where he'll find out and he will do that you know that." You sighed and said "you're right."

Then they took you into sugary right when they got there once you woke up you were in a room and your phone was blowing up you told your parents you were ok now they were on their way then you got mutiple messages from claum and the boys you face timed calum he picked up on the first ring and once he saw what you were wearing and where you were he said "so it is true why didn't you tell me baby?" You said "I didn't want to worry you baby or the boys." He said "babe I always worry about you me and the boys are on our way we're always worried about you." You said "wait you're here I thought you were somewhere else." He said "we were going to surprise you but now we're on our way." You said "ok."

Then he hung up when he arrived he ran over to you and hugged you and kissed you he said "what happened?" You said "my apendicite errupted and they had to take it out I'm free to go home now but they told me to be careful." He said "you're coming with us I already talked to your parents and they said that was fine with them I'll home school you for the time your with us. We'll get you a tutor I'm not letting anything more happen to you while I'm not here got it." You said "yeah I got it." He said "I love you way to much for anything to happen to you." You smiled and said "I love you too." He then checked you out and you guys were off to his next radio interview you were happy to be with him.

Ashton: you self harm your self and you don't eat because of hate and that's how you ended up here now in the hospital but you didn't dare to tell Ashton you didn't want him to worry about you and he would probably have your head, your friends and family were with you and you told them not to tell Ashton but he probaly saw your twitter post which said you were going to kill yourself because of everything. But you haven't heard anything yet from him about it because he's on tour that's until you got a phone call and it was him you held back your tears because you needed him and the boys right now but you didn't want the fans to think you were taking them away from them and picked up the phone and said "hi ash." He sighed and said "thank gosh you're still here me and the boys are on our way now why didn't you tell me baby." You bit your lip and sniffled and said "because I didn't want to worry you I'm fine honestly I'll be fine continue what you were doing." He said "babe you're not fine we're almost there ok it's going to be ok." You said "ok see you soon." You hung up the phone when him and the boys walked in you just broke down right then and there Ashton ran over to you and hugged you tightly you said "I'm sorry ash I couldn't take it anymore it was all getting to much I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you." He said "love I'll always worry about you because I love you we'll help you through this ok." You nodded they spent the whole day with you and you were now going with them on their promo things so Ashton and the others can keep a eye on you because they don't want anything to happen to you ever.

Michael: You got in a car accident but told your friends not to tell Michael cause he'll flip out you were in the hospital with little cuts and bruises when your phone ran it was Michael you said "hey babe what's up?" He said "why didn't you tell me you were in a car accident?" you said "because I didn't want you to worry." He said "me and the boys are on our way." You said "ok." They arrived and Michael hugged you and said "are you ok?" You said "I'm fine a couple cuts and bruises and that's it." He said "your coming with us so nothing happens to you or if something does I'll be there." You said "but what about school." He said "we'll get a tutor." You said "what about mangement?" Calum said "got that taken care of they said it was fine." You said "ok." Then you were free to leave, you left and they already had a bag packed for you and you guys were off to the next radio station.

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