Imagine you have depression and him and the boys find out

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Luke: you were right now In your room hurting yourself you haven't came out of your room all day or aten all day. Then someone came knocking on your door you quickly hid your razor and bandage up you arm. You put on your sweatshirt and said "come in." The boys and Luke walked in you smiled and said "hey boys." They said "hey yn what's up?" You said "nothing much what's up with you." Luke said "want to join us for dinner?" You said "yeah sure." You put your shoes on and then headed to the restaurant they chose you got there and of course fans were there you sighed knowing that haters were going to be there too. You guys sat down at a table and then ordered your drinks then food once you got your food you started eating when you heard snickering. You stopped eating and Luke notice and said "are you ok?" You said "yeah I'm fine I'm full." After they were done you guys left you brought the rest of your food home and then went to your room not with out Luke grabbing your wrist and saying"are you sure you're ok?" You said "no I'm not ok I'm depressed ok and people hate me for no reason those haters were snicker at me that's why I didn't finish my food." Luke hugged you tightly as you cry he said "we'll help you through this don't worry we're here for you." You nodded knowing that they would help you.

Calum: you walked downstairs and saw Calum and the boys you said "Ashton can I talk to you for a moment Please it's really important?" He said "yeah sure." You guys went up to your room and you locked the door and said "I have depression can you help me get through this please cause I'm scaring myself and I don't want Calum to worry that's why I didn't tell him." He hugged you and said "yeah I'll help you through this and same with the others but we got to tell them first ok?" You nodded then opened the door Calum and the boys were there Calum said "babe why didn't you tell me?" You said "I was afraid I'm sorry." You just cried he hugged you and said "we'll help you through this don't worry we're here to help you." You nodded then you guys watched movies the rest of the day.

Ashton: you refused to come out of your room all day ever since your best friend died you fell into a deep depression Ashton walked in and hugged you and you just let it all out you couldn't hold it in anymore he said "we're here to help you through this don't worry it'll get better we are here for you." You said "I miss her so much and I don't think it will get better ash." He said "we know we know and it will get better trust us we'll help you." Then you guys just cuddled for the whole day happy they're there for you during this time.

Michael: you were so depressed when you heard that crystal dog Georgia died crystal's your best friend yes your best friends with your boyfriend's ex but hey it's normal you wouldn't come out of your room Michael walked in and said "it'll be ok." You said "she was a amazing dog I just miss her so much." He said "yeah I know she was she was the best dog in the whole wide world." Then you guys just cuddled the rest of the day and watched movies and the boys came over too.

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