Imagine you have a eating disorder and one of the boys find out and tell him

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Luke: you were with crystal today shopping you guys have been shopping for hours crystal was getting hungry you were too but you didn't want Amit so you guys went to the one place you loved and crystal loved too Wendy's you thought of all the calories that are here crystal ordered you just ordered a water crystal said "aren't you starving?" You lied and said "no I'm fine."

Then you guys saw the boys there your eyes went wide and you hid behind crystal she said "what are you doing?" You said "the boys are here and their catching on what I'm doing to my self but I told them I eat at friends houses or out." She said "why are you doing this to your self?" You said "so call fans saying I'm not pretty enough for luke." She sighed and said "you're perfect the way you are I'm geting you something once we sit down with the boys and your eating it." You said "I'm not hungry." Your stomach said other wise she said "ok I'm getting you food." You sighed and said " fine but I won't eat it." She sighed she put her food down next to Michael and kissed his lips the boys said "hey how was shopping today?" You said "fine." While sitting next to luke he said "are you ok?" You said "yup peachy." Crystal said "I'm going to get food for yn I'll be back cause she didn't get anything cause she claims she's not hungry when she is." You rolled your eyes and said "crystal I'm fine gosh leave me be let me do me." She said "not if you're killing your self you're not and no I'm not watching you do this to your self." That got all the boys attention you goraned and said under your breath "nice going crystal." Luke said "what is she talking about?" You hate lying to him but you said "I don't know she's crazy." She came back with food for you and said "I'm not crazy you are for thinking I'm dumb enough to fall for your lies like they are no offensive boys." You said "I never said that you were." She said "then eat." You said "I swear to you I'm not hungry." When your stomach says otherwise Michael said "what's going on yn?" You said "nothing I'm fine." Crystal said "that's bull shit." You said "fine I'll eat one fry." You took one and touched it to your lip and said "happy." She said "that didn't count yn come on mikey help me out." Michael said "i don't know what's going on but if she doesn't want to eat right now then she doesn't have too." You said "thank you Michael at less someone in your relationship understands." Crystal said "oh my gosh Michael do you boys not see what she's doing to her self!?! She hasn't been eating that's what I'm trying to get the point." You said "well ge thanks for blowing my secret." Luke said "why?" You said "I'm not pretty enough for you." Luke sighed and said "don't listen to those people now eat for me please you're beautiful to me and many other people." You looked at the food and took a bit it was good You finished the whole thing and luke said "it's good process we'll help you through this." You smiled happy to have a loving boyfriend and his friends to help you through this and they did help you you were happy again.

Calum: you were eating but after every meal you would focus your self to puke because people Called you fat at school and that got to you as you were doing this ashton walked in on you and said "why are you doing this to your self?" You said "because at school I get bullied for my weight." Ash said "don't listen to them your beautiful the way you are I'm going to tell calum and we'll help you through this don't do this to yourself." You shook your head and said "no don't tell him." Ashton said "darling I have to you can't keep this away from him." You sighed defeated and walked with ashton out of the bathroom that's when you ran into calum he said "what's going on?" Ashton looked at you and you sighed and said "I was forcing myself to puke." Calum hugged you and said "why?" You said "people call me fat at school." He sighed and said "we'll put a end to this and we'll help you through this." You nodded happy to have him and the boys here to help you and they did help you through this you were so happy to have them there during this time in your life you knew you could always count on them.

Ashton: you were on your third run of the day you weren't eating a lot and you constantly exercised and why did you do this? basically because You wanted to be perfect for ashton even know he said you're already perfect other people thought differently. You got back from your run and went to shower and then walked down and saw calum in the kitchen with a book not just any book it was your book were you wrote how many calories you've aten that day he through the book out and you said "why did you do that?" He said "because your already to skinny you don't need to lose anymore weight or else your going to kill your self so why do this to your self?" You said "to be the perfect girl for ashton."calum said "your already perfect for him please stop this and your telling him about this." You said "I can't he'll flip out on me." He said "fine if you won't I will." He went to where the boys were and calum said "boys we have a problem." Ashton said "what is it dude?" He said "its yn she has a eating disorder." You looked at your feet and ashton came over and hugged you and said "we'll help you through this don't worry." You nodded and they did help you through this you were happy to have them there for you.

Michael: ever since Michael broke up with crystal and got together with you. You've been getting a tone of hate and not just some hate here and there it was a tone of hate and it ate you up they would call you fat so you decided not to eat anymore so far the boys haven't caught on yet until one night when you guys went to get Chinese and you love Chinese you just order a water and luke notices this and said "aren't you hungry?" You said "no I ate with a friend." That was always your excuse luke said "I know your lying you know how I know?" You said "how do you know I'm lying?" He said "because I was with you all day today and we hung out remember I've been with you all day today and I haven't seen you eating at all." You said "I'm sick?" It came out more than a statement it was more of a question he said "bull shit why are you doing this to your self your a beautiful young girl?" You didn't say anything Michael sighed and said "I know why because of the haters online don't listen to them babe you are the perfect size for me I love you very much don't let anyone take that away from you we'll help you through this." You smiled happy to have these boys in your life that you knew would always help you.

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