Bsm luke you don't like his girlfriend

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You were at a concert with Luke this was the first time in a long time that you've gotten to spend time with just him cause he was usually just with his stupid girlfriend who isn't the best for him and you hated her guts cause she was such a bitch. You were so excited to spend time with just him and no one else around and it was also your all time favorite artist Niall horan nothing could Ruin this night but then someone said "hey Lukey." Only you called him that, that was reserved for you and for you only and everyone who knew you knew you were the only one that says that and also when you wanted something then  arzelya came over and peacked his lips he said "hey this is my sister YN, yn this is arzelya." You said "oh we've met before nice to see ya again." And put on you're best fake smile and she did the same and said "yeah we've have and I see our conversation didn't get through to her." I glared at her and said "well maybe my words didn't get through to you." She said "oh they did but I chose to ignore them." You rolled you're eyes and said "come on Luke we're going to miss the concert." you pulled his arm He said "alrighty I'll see you after babe?" arzelya said "why don't you join me and my friends." He looked at you then said "okay we will it'll be fun." You couldn't believe he said that you whisper in his ear and said "tonight was only suppose to be about me and you and no one else you promised me that." He whispered back "well I haven't had a lot of time with her either so I killed 2 birds with one stone we can just have to two of us tomorrow promise." You said "pinky swear." You held out your pinky and he held out his and you guys put them together and he said "pinky swear."

Then you guys got to the seats which was front row you guys were seeing Niall horan  Luke had to go to the bathroom so he left you and arzelya alone together which was not the best decsion on his part arzelya came over to you and said "I told you to back off my man!!"You said "I told you he was my brother!!" She said "well you don't always have to be with him you have other brothers you can hangout with and do shit with." You said "well you don't always have to be with him you have other boyfriends I know that for a fact cause I know you're cheating on him." Her friends ooed and she said "whatever bitch you will never get rid of me because Luke will always chose me over you and I would slap you but we're in a crowd of witnesses." You were about to say something when someone said "I would never chose you over my sister and I don't appreciate the way you are talking to my sister we're over arzelya I can't believe you said all of that to her and I can't believe you are cheating on me but it's no surprise either good bye arzela." She said "but Lukey." He said "only my sister calls me that no one else is allowed to call me that only her."

Then he took you to you guys seat that you guys got tickets for which we're still front row  he said "I'm sorry I didn't believe what she was saying to you if I did I would have broken up with her a long time ago." You said "it's okay thank you for doing that." He said "no problem no one picks on my little sister accept me and the boys." You giggled and said "and I pick on you guys too." He said "yes you do." He gave you a hug then you guys enjoyed the concert turns out that night did turn out the way you wanted it too you were so thankful for your brother.

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