BSM: your friend uses you to get close to him

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Luke:(age:13): you didn't have a lot of friends only some cause most of them only wanted to get close to you because of Luke and the boys so you didn't trust many people the ones you did you invited over to your house you guys walked in and the boys were there and your friend ran over to them your other friend said "seriously yfn?" She said "what?" You said "you just bolted to them when we walked in."she said "so? This is the only reason I came you really think I wanted to hangout with a spoil brat like you ha your funny nah I just wanted to come for them." You said "then leave obviously you don't want to be my friend I was stupid enough to trust you which I'm usually not and they hate you now So hope to never see you again goodbye." She rolled her eyes and left then Luke said "you definitely don't need her in your life she's a bitch." You said "no I don't at less I have one true friend." Your friend said "you only need me and the boys." You said "yeah that's all I need." You Guys chilled the rest of the day.

Calum:(age:14): you had this one friend who only showed up when your brother was home you knew she was just using you so when she said she wants to come to your house you said no she said "why not?" You said "because we're not friends you only come around for my brother your using me for him." She said "whatever I don't need you in my life your just a spoiled brat that thinks she rule the world cause Calum hood is her brother." You said "ok bye hope to never see you again and have fun dealing with my brother." Then you left and headed to your brother's car he said "what's up?" You said "people are so fake towards me and this one girl had the nerve to call me a spoiled brat and said I act like I rule the world when I don't act like that at all." He said "you don't need them stick with me and the boys." You said "yeah because YEFN only comes around when your home like she only cared about you not me." He said "you don't need her you got me and the boys." You said "excatly." Then you just hung out with him and the boys the rest of the day those are the only people you could trust.

Ashton:(age:15): You invited your friends over for a sleepover one of your so called friends went to the bathroom or that's were you thought she was turned out she was downstairs talking to the boys you and your other friends walked down stairs and cleared your throat and crossed your arms and tapped your foot she turned around and you glared at her she said "YN I'm I serousily not allowed to talk to them and hangout with them you let the others hang out with you and them all the time and then there's me you leave me in the dust you know what screw you no wonder why I was using you any ways to get to them opss my bad jk I don't give a shit about you I guess I'll never see you boys again since I went off on Ashton's sister who's selfish anyways so see you guys never." You were shocked that she went off on you in front of her so call idols I guess she was a bitch after all you walked over to Ashton and Ashton hugged you as your true friends sat with the others he said "you don't need her she's a bitch that was such a bitch move on her part stick with us and your other friends that are here." You said "I can't believe she did that and I was stupid enough to fall for her act your right I don't need her I got you guys." YFN said "hell yeah it's her lost she lost her self a amazing person." You smiled happy to have your friends and the boys and your brother in your life the rest of the night you guys just chilled with the boys and your brother.

Michael:(age:16):you invited a couple of your friends on tour with the boys and your brother because the boys and your brother told you that you could invite a couple you did that and this one girl didn't spend any time with you and only with the boys and your brother you said "I knew you were just using me pack your things and leave this is not why I invited you I thought we were friends I guess we're not good bye YFN." she rolled her eyes and said "whatever whore." Then she packed her bag and left and Michael came over to you and said "you don't need her you got us and the others too." You said "yeah I defently don't need her I got everyone I need right here can't believe I was that stupid." He said '"well she's out of your life now don't have to deal with her anymore." You said "yeah thank gosh." You guys then headed to the show and enjoyed the rest of the day.

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