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Luke:(age:12): you were sleeping peacefully on the tour bus when suddenly you started having a nightmare about Luke you woke up with a fright and gasped your heart was pounding out of your chest and your breathing was heavy you got out of the bed and walked over to where the boys were you only saw 3 of them that freaked you out you said "where's Luke?" Ashton said "he's in the bathroom." You said "are you positive he's in there?" Calum said "yeah that's where he said he was going where else would he go." You said "you guys saw him go there and you never know someone could have taken him when you guys weren't paying attention." Michael said "yeah why are you freaking out?no one took him calm down."You said "because I just had a nightmare that someone took him are you sure no one took him?" Then Luke came out and he said "no one took me it was just a nightmare yn stop freaking out come sit with me and the boys and relax no more scary books for you." You sat with him and the boys and you guys just watched tv.

Ashton:(age:13): you woke up screaming you heard foot steps run into your bed room it was Ashton and the boys you were breathing heavily he said "yn your ok it was just a nightmare breath." You hugged him tightly not daring to let him go you said to him "please never leave me please".  You were crying at this point He said "I would never ever leave you I love you and you know that." You said "I know I love you too." Then you just hung out with him and the boys until you fell back to sleep.

Calum:(age:14) you were sleeping on your brother's lap you screamed and shot up Calum said "it's ok I'm here it was just a nightmare." You said "it felt so real." He said "it wasn't real your safe I'm here". You said "good that your here will you be here for a while?" He said "I'll be here for a long time don't worry." Then you guys continue to watch another movie until you fell asleep again.

Michael:(age:15) you were home alone and you fell asleep in the living room on the floor you woke up with a fright and you were heavy breathing you were looking for Michael you thought your nightmare came true but then he walked in with crystal and ran over to him and hugged him he said "missed you too yn I wasn't gone that long." He chuckled you said "I had a nightmare that you died so when I didn't see you here I thought you did and I freaked out." He said "awe baby don't worry I'll be around for a long time I'm not going any where." You guys chilled the rest of the night and you ended up falling asleep on his lap.

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