BSM: you get in a fight with a hater

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Luke:(age:12): you weren't one to get into fights but this girl was pushing your buttons you turned around and said "leave me alone let me be all I'm trying to do is leave this hell hole and Luke loves me more than he loves you and once I tell him and the boys the way your treating me you'll be wishing your dead cause they'll go off on you like I'm now leave me the fuck alone before I hurt you." She stood in front of you and said "please luke won't do shit to me he loves all his fans and when he finds out the way your treating me one of his fans he'll kill you." You said "your not a fan your a hater and I'll tell him that and you won't be able to kill me if your dead before me which you will be." This pissed her off she punched you in the face and you did the same, then someone pulled you both away it was Luke and the boys Michael and Ashton held you back while Calum held the other girl back Luke said to the girl "I never want to see your face again near me or any of the boys don't bother coming to any of our events and we saw the whole thing unfold your the one that did this to yourself yn was just defending herself cause you attacked her we will be pressing charges on you."

Then you guys left when you got home luke and Calum cleaned you up and you said "your not mad that I got in a fight?" He said "no because you didn't do anything it was all her you were defending yourself." You smiled happy he wasn't mad at you then you guys hungout the rest of the day.

Calum:(age:13): you had a bad girl imagine you got into fights all the time so it was nothing new when this hater decided to come after you and you took the situation into your own hands and beat the shit out of her but then someone pulled you back it was Calum and the boys and Calum said to you "really was the necessary? Next time use your words you ground and you leave my sister alone and you kind of deserved it but she still shouldn't have done it to but you shouldn't have been saying that stuff in the first place." The girl left and so did you guys when you got home they cleaned you up and Calum said "no more fighting ok even know you were defending yourself you were the first one on her so that's why your grounded." You nodded and you were in your room for the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:14): you were just getting home from school about the head inside when someone tripped you They laughed you looked up into the eyes of the hater that's been hating on you all day today and for the whole year you got up and went up to her and said "listen here leave me alone and your just getting obsessed now I know you want to ruin my life but that won't happen cause my brother won't allow that to happen." The boys were watching this whole thing unfold they just got back from the studio and saw this happening the girl said "of course you use the boys to defend you like always fight your own fights girl." You said "I'm right now." She said "bring it." You said "I'm not going to hurt you cause I'll get in trouble." She said "ok then I'll beat you." She punched you in the face and you started doing the same back that's when the boys stepped in and said "enough both of you, you leave her alone and never come back into our lives we don't want to ever see you again at any of our events and we're pressing charges and you get inside."you went in and the girl left and the boys cleaned you up you said "I'm sorry." He said "it wasn't your fault it was all her we saw the whole thing." Then you guys just chilled the rest of the day you were off the hook this time cause it was self defense.

Michael:(age:15): now everyone knew you were a fighter you got into many fights because you have defended your brother many times and same with the other so when this hater started saying shit about your brother of course you had to fight back you said "listen here betch don't be talking shit about my brother you know nothing about him I know more about him then you do so please leave me alone and take your shitty comments and leave before I hurt you." She wasn't backing down so you decided to do the right thing and walk away but if course she had to attack you and of course you didn't back down and Michael and the boys saw all of this he said "ok enough leave her alone and never show your face again we're pressing charges and don't come near us or her ever again got it." The girl left and they brought you home to clean you up and he said "you did the right thing." You said "I know I did." Then you guys watched movies for the rest of the day.

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