BSM: you get a boyfriend

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Luke(age 15): you and you're boyfriend were at your house he was meeting the boys and you're brother for the first time you were nervous to see what you're brother had to say about him. You're brother and the boys walked in and saw you and lucas luke said "you must be YN's boyfriend I'm her brother luke." He shook your boyfriends hand and you're boyfriend said "I'm Luca nice to meet you." The boys cleared their throats and said "you better not hurt her or you'll have to deal with us for it." Luca said "I would never in million years hurt her she amazing." Luke said "good." Luca said "well it was nice meeting you bye YN I have a family thing." He kissed you're cheek and left and you said "come on you guys you scared him off he probably won't ever come back now." Luke said "what we just want the best for you and if he doesn't then he's not the one?" You said "yeah I know I get that." Then luke said "he's a good guy you chose right if he doesn't show up again it's his lost." You smiled and went into your room.

Ashton(age 16): you were heading home with your boyfriend so he could meet your brother and the other boys you warned him that you're brother could be a little over proctective you since you were the youngest and you went through a lot you guys walked in and you said "guys this is Blake my boyfriend Blake this is my brother ashton and his bandmates Michael calum and luke." Blake said "it's very nice to meet you boys my sister is a big fan of you guys she loves you guys." Ashton said "you better not have just started dating my sister because of us if you did you can just leave now." He rose a eyebrow at you're boyfriend he said "no I had no idea you were her brother until now she didn't tell me."ashton said "okay what do you like to do and will you treat my sister right?" Blake said "I actually play the drums to and me and my friends want to start a band too and absolutly yes I will I love her." Ashton said "sweet and we'll give you some tips and good because I like you and you better not hurt her ever." He said "I will never." Then ashton and you're boyfriend talked about how to start a band you were happy they got a long so well.

Calum(age 17): you invited you're boyfriend over to meet your brother and the boys you guys walked in and you said "calum this is drake,drake this is calum my brother and this is Michael,luke and ashton." Calum said "are you going to treat he right? And will you ever hurt her?" Drake said "I will treat her right and I will never in a million years hurt her." He said "okay good if you do you'll have to deal with us and you don't want us to get you." You said "cal." He said "what I'm just trying to protect you." You shake your head and he talked to drake and they both like football(Soccor) so they both watched the game and they became friends which you were happy about."

Michael(age 14): you were at your brother'a concert with your boyfriend Michael was watching the two of you the whole time after the concert the two of you went backstage and Michael and the boys meet your boyfriend they liked him and trusted that he wouldn't hurt you but they said if he did he would have to deal with them and that sure scared your boyfriend.

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